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Cedarwood Beach #3

Rogue Affair

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MrRomantic: I kissed my bully. And I liked it.

Sweet_Peaches: And? How was it?

MrRomantic: It was hot. So hot. But...

Sweet_Peaches: But?

MrRomantic: I think I’m in love with someone else.

Sweet_Peaches: Who?

MrRomantic: I think I’m in love with you.

Sweet_Peaches: But you haven’t even met me. You should give your bully a chance.

MrRomantic: Why?

Sweet_Peaches: Because he has feelings for you.

MrRomantic: How would you know?

Welcome to Cedarwood Beach, VA, where the men are hot, the attraction palpable, and the happy ever after unavoidable.

321 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 12, 2020

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About the author

Rhys Everly

34 books192 followers
Rhys Everly-Lawless is a hopeless romantic who loves happily-ever-afters.
Which would explain why he loves writing them.

When he's not passionately typing out his next book, you can find him cuddling his dog, feeding his husband, or taking long walks letting those plot bunnies breed ferociously in his head.

He writes contemporary gay romances as Rhys Everly and LGBTQ+ urban fantasy and paranormal romances as Rhys Lawless.

You can find him and all his latest projects on rhyswritesromance.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 56 reviews
Profile Image for Ed Davis.
2,474 reviews86 followers
January 3, 2022
3 and 1/2 stars rounded up. I really liked this story, but I had a hard time with Nathan. He wasn’t a very likable character for most of the book. I couldn’t really understand how Hudson continued to love him . He just strung him along. I realize Hudson had been a bully in high school, but you either get over such things or you stay away from the person you can’t forgive. Oh, well, I still love the way Rhys writes so I couldn’t give the book less than 4 stars.
Profile Image for Jesslan Rose.
1,123 reviews43 followers
July 13, 2021
Rogue Affair
By Rhys Everly

I thought this would be a fun and romantic story and it was a little bit. The characters just weren't intriguing or endearing enough to hold my interest. A real shame.
Profile Image for AL.
1,407 reviews10 followers
August 18, 2020
Well, I did not expect THAT! Not only is the book full of fun and entertaining characters, not only is the plot drawing you in the further you go, but we also get a bully redeemed and a hurt boy being the savior! I loved the emotions between the guys and loved how it wasn’t all roses and sunshine from the get go. The story felt genuine and that’s all you can really ask for. Bring on the next one!
592 reviews83 followers
September 7, 2020
One of the best books of 2020 so far.
Great book, great characters

This is the last book in this series and I'll have to go after to read everything at first

Loved it!

Profile Image for Amy Stauffer.
775 reviews20 followers
August 21, 2020
So. Many. Things. This book has me feeling so many things, all at once. I don’t even know where to start, but I’m gonna pull myself together and give it a try. I’ve enjoyed this series before reading this addition to it. This book may be the best one yet. I will have THE worst book hangover the day this series ends. RHYS EVERLY! That day IS NOT today, ya hear me? We...I...need more. I’m not ready to say goodbye. I feel like I’ve already moved in with Yaya. This is my family.

Nathan and Hudson have a long, and often traumatic, history together. Starting off as best friends, then becoming enemies has had an effect on both of them. When they cross paths, it’s obvious the wounds are still fresh. Watching them go from enemies to acquaintances, to friends, then dancing around the ‘more’ area was emotional. It didn’t take long to become attached to these fellas. I blame Rhys Everly for that, but I’m not mad about it. I love the story he wrote for this young couple. I loved how hard Nathan tried to remain angry with Hudson when he wasn’t. I loved how he fought with himself after the reunion. He had me cracking up. Here they were, making out, and he was mad that he wasn’t mad at him. I’m not sure it’s polite to laugh at a steamy moment, but again, I blame the author.

The writing is everything I want in a book. I want to be sucked in and emotionally invested in the story. I was right with Nathan, Hudson, and Becca when they went to confront someone (read the book for specifics), and I was also in the attic, packing Hudson’s belongings. I was in the library shushing Nathan when he was talking too loudly, and I was eating pancakes with Nathan’s family. Wow....I got carried away. It’s as if...I really liked this book. Oh, wait. I did! If you haven’t read this series yet, I totally encourage you to start, today. You don’t necessarily have to read them in order, but you could. This book overlaps with book two (a bit), and kinda gives away the ending of book two...but you can pretend you didn’t read it, or....you can start from the beginning. However you decide, please read this book. It will put a smile on your face, and you will feel it in your heart. With the way 2020 has been, couldn’t we all use more reasons to smile?
Profile Image for Karolina Cebula.
390 reviews4 followers
August 24, 2020
"Rogue Affair" is the third volume in the very interesting and lovable series "Cedarwood Beach" written by Rhys Everly. Well, what can I say about this installment in the series? Let's start with the most basic fact, which is that the novel is simply fantastic. In this story, the author touches on many important and deep problems that perfectly match the theme of love, and thus the one that is, in a way, the axis of the entire book. It is worth noting, however, that "Rogue Affair" is largely a story about making mistakes and forgiveness. These themes set this novel in motion and fuel the plot. In fact, they also dominate the story to such an extent that they help us get to know the main characters better, form an opinion about them, love and understand them and make us even more interested in their story. Let's add that mistakes and forgiveness are also closely related to the other issues shown in this book, so without them, "Rogue Affair" would not be the same novel it is now.

The problem of unfair opinion about another person, which results from blindly drawn hasty conclusions based on individual views and social status of a given person, also plays a significant role in this story. The author clearly emphasizes a very common problem, which is the assumption that a rich and/or attractive person is honest and good, while a poor and/or ugly person is dishonest and bad. Consequently, in "Rogue Affair" Rhys Everly draws our attention to the problem of looking for an easy scapegoat instead of trying to find out the truth. The whole problem is so universal and timeless that it will surely touch any reader. Even more so that this is the topic that is really worth writing about and people should be sensitize to it.

"Rogue Affair" is also a novel about strength. The strength to change one's life and endure all difficult moments with hope for a better future. In fact, I really admire Hudson, as he is the person to whom the topic primarily relates. If I were this boy, I would have given up a long time ago, while he is bravely going forward, trying to pursue his goal, all under unfavorable conditions, feeling the burden of the mistakes he made in the past. This character really made a huge impression on me.

Another topic that we can find in "Rogue Affair", and which also has a huge impact on the story presented in the novel, is sexual education, or rather the lack of it. The author gives us the opportunity to get to know a sexually lost teenager who does not really understand himself, his feelings, and the possibilities he has. The messages he receives from home are clear and homophobic. So let's think, how a young man, who is brought up in such conditions and who is not able to fully understand the subject of sexuality, can understand himself and accept his own and/or others' differences? This example reminds me of "The Ugly Duckling" story, in which a baby swan, growing up among ducks, is convinced that their are just an ugly and clumsy duck. The duckling is suffering because they are different and no one has told them that maybe they just aren't a duck. Only by chance, meeting other birds like them, the duckling is able to find peace. I think that in the case of normal people the situation is similar.

All in all, "Rogue Affair" is a phenomenal novel that you must read. This book will move you, touch you, make you fall in love with it and its characters. It really is one of the better and smarter novels I have read. It's a real treasure.


„Rogue Affair” jest trzecim tomem bardzo interesującej i łatwej do pokochania serii „Cedarwood Beach” napisanej przez Rhysa Everly. Cóż mogę powiedzieć o tej odsłonie serii? Zacznijmy od najbardziej podstawowego faktu, a mianowicie tego, że powieść jest po prostu fantastyczna. W tej historii autor porusza bardzo wiele ważnych i głębokich problemów, które idealnie zgrywają się z tematem miłości, a więc tym, który niejako stanowi oś całej książki. Warto jednak zauważyć, że „Rogue Affair” w dużej mierze jest historią o popełnianiu błędów oraz przebaczeniu. To właśnie te tematy wprawiają w ruch tę powieść i nakręcają fabułę. Prawdę mówiąc, to także one dominują w tej historii do tego stopnia, że pomagają nam poznać lepiej głównych bohaterów, wyrobić sobie na ich temat zdanie, pokochać ich, zrozumieć i wciągnąć się w ich historię. Dodajmy, że błędy i przebaczenie są również ściśle związane z innymi poruszonymi w tej książce problemami, tak więc bez nich „Rogue Affair” nie byłoby tą samą powieścią, którą jest teraz.

Duże znaczenie w tej historii odgrywa także problem niesprawiedliwego oceniania innej osoby, które płynie ze ślepego wyciąganie pochopnych wniosków w oparciu o indywidualne poglądy oraz status społeczny danego człowieka. Autor podkreśla wyraźnie bardzo częsty problem jakim jest kierowanie się założeniem, że osoba bogata i/lub atrakcyjna jest szczera i dobra, zaś osoba biedna i/lub brzydka jest nieuczciwa i zła. Co za tym idzie, w „Rogue Affair” Rhys Everly zwraca naszą uwagę na problem szukania łatwego kozła ofiarnego zamiast próby dochodzenia do prawdy. Całość tego problemu jest tak uniwersalna i ponadczasowa, że z pewnością poruszy każdego czytelnika. Tym bardziej, że jest to temat, o którym naprawdę warto pisać i na który należy ludzi uczulać.

„Rogue Affair” to także powieść o sile. Sile by zmienić swoje życie i by wytrzymać wszystkie trudne chwile z nadzieją na lepszą przyszłość. Prawdę mówiąc, naprawdę podziwiam Hudsona, jako że to głównie do niego odnosi się wspomniany temat. Ja na miejscu tego chłopaka pewnie już dawno bym się poddała, tymczasem on brnie dzielnie do przodu, stara się dążyć do obranego celu, a wszystko to w niesprzyjających warunkach, obarczony ciężarem popełnionych w przeszłości błędów. Ten bohater naprawdę zrobił na mnie ogromne wrażenie.

Innym tematem, który możemy odnaleźć w „Rogue Affair”, a który także ma ogromny wpływ na przedstawioną w powieści historię jest edukacja seksualna, czy raczej jej brak. Autor daje nam bowiem możliwość poznania seksualnie zagubionego nastolatka, który tak naprawdę nie rozumie siebie, swoich uczuć, możliwości, jakie posiada. Komunikaty jakie odbiera z rodzinnego domu są jasne i homofobiczne. Jak więc młody, wchodzący w dorosłość człowiek wychowujący się w takich warunkach i nie mający możliwości zrozumienia w pełni tematu seksualności, ma zrozumieć siebie i zaakceptować odmienność swoją i/lub innych? To przykład niczym z „Brzydkiego Kaczątka”, gdzie mały łabędź wychowując się wśród kaczek jest przekonany, że jest po prostu brzydką i niezgrabną kaczką. Kaczątko cierpi, ponieważ jest inne i nikt nie powiedział mu, że może po prostu nie jest kaczką. Dopiero przypadkiem poznając inne ptaki takie jak on jest w stanie odnaleźć spokój. Podobnie sytuacja wygląda z ludźmi.

Podsumowując, „Rogue Affair” to fenomenalna powieść, którą koniecznie musicie przeczytać. Ta książka zdoła Was wzruszyć, poruszyć, rozkochać w sobie i swoich bohaterach. To naprawdę jedna z lepszych i mądrzejszych powieści jakie czytałam. Prawdziwy skarb.
Profile Image for Effie (she-her).
579 reviews89 followers
September 1, 2023
Γλυκό και ιδανικό για να ξεφύγεις για μερικές ώρες.

Αυτό το βιβλίο ήταν μια έκπληξη για μένα. Ως μη φαν του είδους είχα πολύ χαμηλές προσδοκίες. Όμως ο συγγραφέας, με τους ολοκληρωμένους, ρεαλιστικούς χαρακτήρες του κατάφερε να κάνει την ιστορία ενδιαφέρουσα. Είναι πολύ σημαντικό ότι βλέπουμε την ιστορία τόσο μέσα από τα μάτια του Nathan όσο και από του Hudson, γιατί έτσι μπορούμε να κατανοήσουμε καλύτερα και τους δύο αλλά και τη σχέση τους, τόσο στο παρελθόν όσο και τώρα.

Δεν ένιωσα πουθενά ότι η έλξη και η σχέση μεταξύ των χαρακτήρων ήταν βεβιασμένη αντιθέτως, μετά από κάποιο σημείο, ίσως να καθυστέρησε κιόλας. Η ηλικία και η διαρκής εξέλιξη των χαρακτήρων όμως δικαιολογεί σε ικανοποιητικό βαθμό τις διαφορετικές ταχύτητες με τις οποίες εξελίσσονται διάφορες καταστάσεις. Επιπλέον, οι ερωτικές σκηνές είναι περιγραφικότατες.

Ευχάριστη έκπληξη ήταν επίσης η αποκάλυψη στο τέλος. Δεν περ��μενα ότι ο συγγραφέας θα είχε ασχοληθεί περισσότερο με το συγκεκριμένο θέμα (είπαμε low expectations), κι όμως το έκανε με πολύ ενδιαφέροντα τρόπο, δίνοντας ένα έξτρα closure στο παρελθόν, που ανέβασε πολύ το β��βλίο στα μάτια μου.
Profile Image for Susanne.
175 reviews
November 8, 2022
I gotta say I didn't like Nathan. Like, at all. He acted so damn childish I was happy when I finally finished the book.
3,223 reviews33 followers
August 16, 2020
A 👬friendship knocked off the rails: can it be righted?

Hudson and Nathan, the one-time good friends separated by bullying and prejudice. Their romance was a good one, enhanced by Hudson's sad family situation and a malevolent wannabe mayor and her son. Good steam but balanced with emotion and an interesting storyline.

Hudson was my favorite of the two leads. Despite his actions that hurt Nathan in high school, he's trying his utmost to build a new life. From his first appearance in the story, Hudson's wrecked life is clear. When he gets a chance to make amends and reconnect with Nathan, things start looking up for him. It's hard to believe that Nathan resists Hudson's good points as long as he does.

I enjoyed the second book in the series more, but this plot had a lot of strong elements and Romeo the bulldog was a great sidekick for Hudson.

I read a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest review.

1,336 reviews10 followers
August 17, 2020
Enemies to lovers are not always my favourite trope, but this one was so well written, I read it in one sitting, I just couldn’t put it down!
Also, this in not only an enemies-to-lovers story: it’s a lifelong relationship! Nathan and Hudson are best friends since childhood, thick as thieves, always together. Then Hudson turned his back on Nathan when he came out and became one of his high school bullies. But things aren’t always what they seem and Hudson is not that boy anymore.
Nathan is so confused by this new Hudson and his attraction to him, he doesn’t know what to do… add in his connection to the man he’s talking to on-line, who doesn’t want to meet in person… and poor Nathan’s head is spinning like crazy!
This book is so full of emotions, there’s love, resentment, longing, sweetness, cute on-line banter and everything you may want to keep you glued to this new Cedarwood Beach book!
377 reviews6 followers
August 20, 2020
I love bully redemption stories and this one was really good. While I don't believe in excuses for bullying, like Nathan, I kind of understand why Hudson did what he did, though I don't condone it. I loved the way that the two of them connected to each other even after so long and so much bad history. Hudson's background brought tears to my eyes and of course I loved Nathan's family. I liked that this book takes place at the same time as Kyle and Andy's since it gives the insight of what Nathan was going through that he was so mad at Kyle for not being around. I really enjoyed all of the steamy encounters between the two and how Hudson awoke Nathan's drive. I also liked the MrRomantic/Sweet_Peaches relationship that was happening. I can't wait for the next book in the series, I really love Cedarwood and the awesome Karagiannis family. I definitely recommend this book and the whole series so far if you haven't read them.
Profile Image for Fran.
962 reviews8 followers
August 20, 2020
Two friends turned into enemies because of bullying brought on by peer pressure. Hudson and Nathan grew up together and were close until Nathan took an ounce of courage and came out in high school. He believed Hudson would still be his friend (though Nathan wanted more) but Hudson stayed with his clique, turned his back on Nathan and has learned to regret his actions. Now Hudson desperately needs brainiac Nathan's help as his tutor so Hudson can leave his homophobic father and make something of himself. At first Nathan sees this as his chance to revenge all that he'd experienced in his early high school days. But times have changed both young men and each begins to see the other in a revealing new light. This is a progression story of friends to enemies to lovers played out in a realistic way that was completely satisfied to this reader and this book earned every ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I gave it. This is my honest review for the ARC I received.
Profile Image for Pontiki.
2,203 reviews8 followers
July 6, 2022
Nathan and Hudson were best friends, but when Nathan came out to Hudson, he became a bully, supporting a worse bully, Derek. Derek then proceeded to ruin Hudson’s life by setting him up for an arson rumour around town.

Now, Hudson has realized he’s gay, but he’s stuck living with his homophobic Dad and trying to finish high school. When they meet again because Nathan offers tutoring, they reconcile and are friends again.

Only now, Hudson shares he’s been in love with Nathan all along, and Nate’s confused because he found a guy online, Sweet Peaches, whom he’s interested in.

It turns out Hudson is Sweet Peaches, and this causes confusion for them both. Hudson’s name is cleared of the fire, and finally the two can tackle all the other problems together, like Hudson’s Dad, living arrangements, and finances.

Great story, lots going on in the plot, but still well put together. I like Hudson a lot, and Nathan is interesting and full of sass, but still a good guy.
Profile Image for Vicki.
882 reviews20 followers
August 14, 2020
Rating : 4.5 stars. At times I was so heart sore on behalf of Hudson. He worked so hard to improve himself, to overcome undeserved obstacles, so he could get out of the life that was leading him nowhere. He’s positivity was tested but he would pick himself up and continue on.
Nathan had no time for Hudson after being bullied in high school but he changed his opinions once he began to see who Hudson was in spite of his circumstances.
The chemistry between these wonderful former best friends was still there and over time it gradually heated up leading to some sweet and steamy moments.
The development of these main characters was very well written and the pacing was on point and kept me fully engaged. There’s some drama, a bit of angst and also some feels before Hudson and Nathan achieve their well earned HEA. A wonderful read that I highly recommend.
572 reviews5 followers
August 17, 2020
Like all the books I’ve read by this author before, Rogue Affair pulled me into the story from the beginning and never let go until the satisfying end. Nathan and Hudson were childhood best friends turned enemies in high school d/t Hudson’s bullying. However, things changed when Hudson needed a tutor to get his GED and Nathan was the tutor offering his services. What started out grudgingly ended up with them becoming friends then lovers. There is some angst they both need to deal with over the past, but with forgiveness comes some seriously sexy times and intoxicating kisses. It took work and trust on both their parts to finally find a future together, but I definitely enjoyed the journey and both men grew in character as a result. I hope the author will give us more stories from Cedarwood Beach b/c I, for one, am not ready to leave it just yet 😍
Profile Image for Fritz42.
1,379 reviews
December 24, 2023
2.5-3 stars. Nathan and Hudson had been best friends. They had a falling out in high school and became enemies due to Hudson bullying Nathan. Nathan could never understand why Hudson had turned on him and made his high school life horrible. Years later, the two of them connected once again when Hudson needed a tutor to finish his GED.

I think this had potential. I'm all for an enemies-to-friends-to lovers story. Throw in a "You Got Mail" aspect to it, and I'm usually totally in. However, with this story, I had a very hard time connecting to most of the characters. Nathan voiced deep feelings of hurt to what Hudson had done to him, but most of the emotional reveal was superficial to me. Emotions seemed to be conveyed with what I felt were over-the-top and cliché physical actions for the scenes. His banter and zingers came off as juvenile and not what I expected out of a 24-year old.

I'd have to say I enjoyed Hudson more. Yes, he made a horrible choice to turn against Nathan, but he did try to explain the reasons for this when he and Nathan connected years later. He seemed to have more compassion in him, which I appreciated.

The twist at the end of the story came out of left field and didn't really add anything to the story for me.
Profile Image for Janet Hunt.
3,503 reviews41 followers
August 16, 2020
First off, it is not necessary to read the books in order, but it does help somewhat. I really like Kyle, although I thought he was a bit wishy washy at times. Hudson’s story broke me, big ugly tears!! They were childhood best friend until high school, until Hudson started bulling Kyle. Hudson had changed so much since high school, but Kyle could not see it. I loved these characters!! So many steamy times with a lot of emotion. The sexting was a great addition to the story line, really helped to show up more of Hudson. I loved Hudson the best. The story was well written with strong character development. Definitely recommend!!! I was gifted an ARC from the author. Thank you so much for letting me read your story! I loved it!!
Profile Image for Anabela.M..
959 reviews14 followers
August 21, 2020
I really enjoyed this book of small town, second chances, old friends turned enemies who reconnected and then became more.

The author gave Hudson and Nathan the time to try healing old wounds, and I appreciate that. For them it wasn't a rush of falling into love, because both had struggles to overcome, deep set fears and pain, anger and hurt ... I mean they had a lot of healing to do first, but they had a real connection neither could dismiss. I cheered when they were finally ready to move forward and do everything for a happy future together.

With lots of emotions represented, a good cast of characters, an interesting plot, compelling romance and steamy moments, Rogue Affair was a joy to read.

Profile Image for Mary Ellen.
571 reviews59 followers
July 1, 2021
This is my first book by Rhys Everly. Yes, I did notice it was book 3 in the series...and most of you know I prefer to read them in order, even if they can be read as stand-alones. Sooo let's blame the blurb. First of all, I am a sucker for a good bully redemption book and second, online chatting? Double sold.

I was looking forward to a light fluffy read...and even though there is a sweet romance here, there is also so much more to this book. Hudson, the previous bully has such a sad and heartbreaking backstory that I immediately wanted to cuddle, hug and coddle him. This boy deserves love! He is smart...and well ticks off all my boxes in a book boyfriend.

I look forward to reading more from this author.
Profile Image for Kendra T.
2,587 reviews42 followers
July 17, 2021
I liked this as an overall book, and was glad to see these two get together. It did take a while, though, and I was relieved when it all finally happened. Hudson was part of the bully crowd back in high school and made Nathan's life a living hell. When we meet Hudson later, he is still dealing with traumas and challenges in his life that no one knew about. Nathan was a hesitant jerk at first, but fortunately he was able to see through to the real Hudson. They were also unknowingly (at first) communicating online. Nathan struggled with falling for Hudson but also falling for the online guy. Luckily for him it turned out to be the same guy. It was a good book, but it wasn't my favorite of the series.
Profile Image for Lu.
455 reviews34 followers
January 3, 2022
What a major book hangover I have now! The lovely bonus scenes help with that.

I might not be objective because by the 3rd book I love this series and I love this family. I particularly enjoyed this one and the first one. I loved Nathan's character from the beginning of the series and I couldn't wait to read his story, however I have to say that Hudson was the special one here. I loved discovering bits of him each chapter, all his insecurities and perfect imperfections, and it's amazing that he had his own happy ending too. There are so many side characters and they were all good and well written.
Profile Image for T. CH.
293 reviews
May 1, 2022
So good!

Hudson had been both Nathan’s former best friend as well as his former High School bully. By the end of this romance, Hudson has transformed himself and he has transitioned into someone winning at life! He has discovered the love of his life in Nathan, acquired family, is working a job as well as working to fulfill his dreams! He learns to let go past transgressions against him and move forward into happiness and success! We both Nathan and Hudson motivate one another and grow! I could not put this romance down and I cannot wait to devour the next in the Cedarwood Beach series by Rhys Everly!
Profile Image for Tammy Jones.
751 reviews5 followers
August 16, 2020
Wow! This book got so hot, I'm surprised my Kindle didn't short circuit! These characters were so loveable. Nathan has a heart of gold and just wishes he could find somebody to check all the boxes on his "date list". Hudson just made me want to cry. He's been through so much in the past few years and just wants to move on with his life. When these two cross paths after their troubled past, a series of events occur which lead to redemption, healing, and the possibility of true love. This series continues to get better and better! Cedarwood Beach is quite the place!
Profile Image for Audrey Pott.
679 reviews1 follower
August 16, 2020
Rhys did an amazing character maturity of Hudson and Nathan, both had so much to learn and progress. At times I cried for Hudson, he had an homophobic dad a real douche., also had a loveable dog in Romeo. This was a roller coaster ride of emotions, I cried and laughed throughout. Nathan and his damned list, I wanted to throw it out. I definitely loved the both of them, so hot together and lots of amazing side characters.

I voluntarily reviewed an arc of this book for my honest opinions of which I’m under no obligation to do so. I absolutely recommend this book.
585 reviews1 follower
January 17, 2022
Best friend to school bully to HEA

Some very angsty moments, at times you can’t see a solution to Hudson’s problems, the list seems crushing. Nathan’s problem is Nathan. There are several intertwined story lines which make for an interesting read, with some late but well deserved justice served to a couple of horrible characters. A mix of sweet, homophobic, loving, racist, funny, sad, steamy, hatred and downright confusing. I really liked this one, only made me get something in my eye a couple of times. The bonus belongs in epilogue part two.
Profile Image for Meg Dibble.
349 reviews7 followers
April 17, 2023
Angsty but sweet

This book had me going in a few directions. First, Nathan… he’s not my favorite. I know he has his reasons but man… he was just mean to Hudson. I wasn’t a fan of their first “encounter” because he used him. That just wasn’t for me.

I adored Hudson. He knew what he did in the was wrong. It doesn’t make it right but when you’re in a small town you’re heavily influenced.

Hudson’s dad is terrible! Nathan’s family is amazing! Still a little confused about Kyle so I’ll need to find his story.

Otherwise… it’s a solid read!
Profile Image for E.Muddle.
1,166 reviews17 followers
August 17, 2020
This is a decent former-friend-who-becomes-a-bully-then-lover story. It kept my attention from the start and had good chemistry between the two MCs. As the bully, Hudson, has surprisingly good emotional depth to his character and not only was I was able to sympathise with him, but I found it pretty easy to do so. There is some angst as they both grapple with the past, some incredibly steamy and tender moments, and a solid redemption story that gives Nathan and Hudson their heartfelt HEA.
253 reviews2 followers
August 19, 2020
Heartwarming story about atoning for having been a bully.

A well written story about an ex-bully seeking to right his past wrongs, and finding a wonderful reward. To me Hudson's and Nathan's story is very credible. Hudson seems to have gotten his head on straight (pun intended) before the story starts. It takes Nathan a while to wake up and smell the coffee. The rationale why Hudson behaved as he did in the past is realistic. IMHO, this is the best book in the series so far.
Profile Image for Jacquie Stewart.
2,319 reviews71 followers
August 20, 2020
Redemption arc

It was easy to forgive Hudson for his past when we are given dual pov and can get into his head. He really was just a sweet guy that had been held back by circumstance.
Nathan I didn't actually like for some of it but that's what's so great about these books.
Told at the same time as the events of book 2 and can be read as a standalone but I wouldn't recommend it as the secondary characters are so good
Displaying 1 - 30 of 56 reviews

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