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Cedarwood Beach #2

Wayward Love

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alternate cover edition of ASIN B08B5BY2JY

He’s a ray of sunshine, but he’s my son’s best friend.

My life has had three modes since my wife passed away.
And work.

And I’m not even any good at that.
Unless I find the money I owe everyone, only a miracle can keep my bar afloat.

Until he comes into my life.

Kyle Brady.

I’ve never looked at another man the same way I look at him.
It’s a dangerous feeling.
Somehow I’m roped into letting him help my business and he wants to fix everything.

Including my broken heart.

Want to know how?

Read now and find out.

Wayward Love is the second book in the Cedarwood Beach small town romance series and is completely standalone. It contains a May/December sunshine/grumpy romance, a bisexual awakening and a happily ever after.

280 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 27, 2020

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About the author

Rhys Everly

34 books192 followers
Rhys Everly-Lawless is a hopeless romantic who loves happily-ever-afters.
Which would explain why he loves writing them.

When he's not passionately typing out his next book, you can find him cuddling his dog, feeding his husband, or taking long walks letting those plot bunnies breed ferociously in his head.

He writes contemporary gay romances as Rhys Everly and LGBTQ+ urban fantasy and paranormal romances as Rhys Lawless.

You can find him and all his latest projects on rhyswritesromance.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 67 reviews
Profile Image for Ed Davis.
2,474 reviews86 followers
July 4, 2020
It was a cute story, just not very original. Kyle falls for Andy who is the grumpy but super hot father of his best friend. Of course, keeping their love affair a secret is a bad idea. And the fall out right before the end of the book is predictable. It is low angst and does have a little too much inner monologue, but not so much it ruins the book.

There is a second epilogue that you can get free from Rhys Everly. It takes place 2 years after the end of the book so that was a nice bonus.
Profile Image for Anabela.M..
959 reviews14 followers
June 28, 2020
Andy was so consumed by shame and feeling like a failure, that not only he estranged himself from his family and friends, but he also acted like a jerk with anyone trying to help. And sadly, it was mostly Kyle who took the blunt of Andy's prickish behavior, in a way that their relationship progressed like an awkward dance of Andy hurting Kyle and then doing his best to be forgiven.

Kyle was really the star of this story. He had insecurities of his own, but what he showed to the world was a cheerful disposition and smiles that lightened up the lives of those around him. Of course he charmed Andy, and there've  been some scenes when the older man would declare his utter infatuation that were absolutely swoon worthy. Alas, there were also a couple of moments Andy has acted so terribly that I'd of kicked his backside to the curb and leave him sink with his bar. So, yeah, it was a good mix of good and bad between them, with a whole lot of chemistry thrown in and a deep connection.

I really liked Andy and Kyle together and I rooted for their romace to work out. I definitely would recommend Wayward Love to anyone looking for an entertaining, hot and sweet combination of age gap/best friend's dad/opposites attract tropes.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
793 reviews20 followers
June 29, 2020
Cute story

This was my first read by this author and I enjoyed the story. Kyle was a fabulous character, full of happiness and sunshine, he was a scene stealer for sure. Andy was far more troubled and he struggled to take risks and balancing his family, his business, his happiness and his love for Kyle. There were some bumps along the way but it all worked out in the end and was a nice HEA.
Profile Image for Kendra T.
2,587 reviews42 followers
July 6, 2021
Kyle was so fun. He was a great character, and I loved how he was just himself. Andy is the dad of Kyle's best friend. He has been grieving for his late wife for the last 5 years, but there is something about Kyle that makes him start to feel happy again. Kyle is working for Andy as part of a school project, but it is clear that the two of them have great chemistry. I loved watching Andy come to terms with being in a relationship again, and I just loved Kyle. Great story.
Profile Image for Karolina Cebula.
390 reviews4 followers
July 22, 2020
"Wayward Love" is the second volume in "Cedarwood Beach" by Rhys Everly, and to be honest, I think this part is even better than the previous one. Let's start with the main characters. Believe me, the first time we meet them in this novel, we fall in love with them. Although we've already met Andy in the previous volume, "Fresh Start", we've seen him mostly as Leo's grumpy brother and always angry widower. In "Wayward Love" we get to know him better and really start to love him. What's more, we have the opportunity to look into his soul and although he is still a mess, he has many advantages that make him a really great, caring person. Kyle is his much younger better half. He is so full of energy, colour and ideas that it's hard to keep up with him, but he spreads his positive vibes to everyone around him. What can I say, you just want to be friends with someone like him. No wonder this volcano of energy is Andy's son's best friend. And just like that, you already know two of the problems our characters have to face – the age-gap and Kyle's friendship with Nathan.

In "Wayward Love" I really like the fact that the story the author tells us perfectly shows the magic of love, and therefore the fact that love can change us. I have to admit that there are not enough novels in which this characteristic feature of romantic feelings would be emphasised or just shown properly. That's why it's so important that Rhys Everly has put a strong emphasis on the positive changes in his characters, in particular in Andy, as their feelings become deeper and expand. Reading "Wayward Love" we also see that taking into consideration all the said changes, love can't stay hidden for long, as it manifests externally, in a smile, energy, change of behaviour. The love can turn even the biggest grumpy bear into a ray of sunshine. Thanks to all this, the feelings shown in "Wayward Love" are very believable and beautiful.

Another topic that I liked very much in this volume is the promotion of Andy's business and saving it from bankruptcy using relatively simple but effective methods. I admit, this subject is very close to my heart, as I think about opening my own business in the near future, which is always risky because we don't know if it will be a success or a failure. Seeing how Andy slowly begins to stand on his own two feet, even though his situation have been difficult, was like a ray of hope to me. What's more, Kyle's knowledge, ideas and diploma project made me think of something similar, of some ambitious promotion plans. In short, "Wayward Love" turned out to be a gift of fate.

In "Wayward Love" I also love the fact that most of the problems the characters are struggling with are the problems that to a large extent could be solved by juxtaposing arguments for and against, as I believe it could help Andy and Kyle make some important decisions concerning various aspects of their lives. In many cases, the question is not how to solve a given problem, but which is the right path to choose. However, I want to note that, just like us in our daily lives, Andy and Kyle also don't think about this easiest way to solve a problem by considering all pros and cons, arguments for and against. They choose the harder way to make the decisions, which makes them very believable characters, people like all of us.

To sum up, "Wayward Love" is a fantastic, interesting novel about an unexpected feeling that changes the whole life and about difficult choices that can make the characters happy or miserable. Believe me, reading this story you will fall in love with Andy and Kyle in the blink of an eye, so you must read this novel! It's simply amazing.


„Wayward Love” jest drugim tomem „Cedarwood Beach” autorstwa Rhysa Everly i jeśli mam być szczera, uważam, że ta część serii jest jeszcze lepsza niż poprzednia. Zacznijmy od głównych bohaterów, których naprawdę bardzo łatwo pokochać już od pierwszego spotkania z nimi w tej powieści. Andy’ego poznaliśmy wprawdzie w poprzednim tomie, „Fresh Start”, jako naburmuszonego brata Leo, wiecznie gniewnego wdowca, jednak dopiero w „Wayward Love” naprawdę możemy go pokochać, gdyż właśnie teraz mamy możliwość zajrzeć w jego duszę i chociaż nadal jest gburem to jednak ma wiele zalet, które czynią go naprawdę wspaniałą, troskliwą osobą. Jego drugą połową jest młody Kyle, który jest tak pełen energii, koloru i pomysłów, że ciężko za nim nadążyć, a swoim stylem bycia zaraża wszystkich wokół. Z kimś takim po prostu chce się przyjaźnić. Nic więc dziwnego, że ten wulkan energii jest najlepszym przyjacielem syna Andy’ego. I oto dwa z większej liczby problemów, którym nasi bohaterowie muszą stawić czoła – różnica wieku oraz przyjaźń Kyle’a z Nathanem.

W „Wayward Love” bardzo spodobało mi się to, że przedstawiona przez autora historia doskonale pokazuje magię miłości, a więc fakt, że miłość potrafi zmienić człowieka. Muszę przyznać, że w stosunkowo niewielu powieściach ta cecha romantycznego uczucia zostaje podkreślona lub nawet w ogóle ukazana. Tymczasem Rhys Everly położył wyraźny nacisk na pozytywne zmiany, jakie zachodzą w jego bohaterach, a w szczególności w Andym, w miarę jak ich wzajemne uczucia się pogłębiają i rozwijają. W „Wayward Love” widzimy także, że właśnie z tego powodu miłości nie sposób ukryć. Jest ona bowiem manifestowana zewnętrznie, widać ją w uśmiechu, energii, zmianie zachowania. Miłość nawet największego gbura zamieni w promyk słońca. Właśnie dzięki temu uczucia ukazane w „Wayward Love” są bardzo prawdopodobne i piękne.

Tematem, który z powodów osobistych bardzo przypadł mi w tym tomie do gustu jest promocja własnego biznesu, ratowanie go przed upadkiem dzięki stosunkowo prostym, ale często przynoszącym efekty sposobom. Przyznaję, że temat ten jest mi bardzo bliski, jako że sama myślę o otwarciu w najbliższym czasie własnej działalności gospodarczej, co wiąże się z ryzykiem oraz możliwością niepowodzenia. Patrzenie na to, jak Andy zaczyna powoli wychodzić na prostą, mimo że jego sytuacja była ciężka było dla mnie niczym promyk nadziei. Z kolei wiedza, pomysły i projekt Kyle’a sprawiły, że sama zaczęłam myśleć o czymś podobnym, o ambitnych planach promocji. Mówiąc krótko, „Wayward Love” okazało się dla mnie darem od losu.

W „Wayward Love” bardzo podoba mi się również to, że większość przedstawionych tu problemów, z którymi zmagają się bohaterowie to problemy, które mogłaby w dużej mierze zostać rozwiązana dzięki zebraniu argumentów za i przeciw, które pomogłyby im w podjęciu niektórych decyzji dotyczących różnych aspektów ich życia. W wielu przypadkach nie chodzi bowiem o to jak rozwiązać dany problem, ale o to, która droga jest właściwa. Chcę jednak zauważyć, że podobnie jak my w naszym codziennym życiu, także Andy i Kyle nie myślą o tym najprostszym sposobie, jakim jest właśnie rozważenie argumentów za i przeciw. Wybierają trudniejszą drogę do podjęcia decyzji, co czyni ich bohaterami bardzo prawdopodobnymi, takimi jak każdy z nas.

Podsumowując, „Wayward Love” to fantastyczna, interesująca powieść o niespodziewanym uczuciu, które zmienia całe życie oraz o trudnych wyborach, które mogą uczynić bohaterów radosnymi lub nieszczęśliwymi. Wierzcie mi, w tej historii, w Andym oraz Kyle’u zakochacie się już od pierwszych stron. Tę powieść po prostu musicie przeczytać! Jest fantastyczna.
Profile Image for Amy Dufera - Amy's MM Romance Reviews.
2,698 reviews132 followers
June 27, 2020
Wayward Love is a fabulous book by Rhys Everly. Everything about this best friend's father romance calls to me and consumed me throughout.

This story is set up through a work arrangement devised by Nathan, as he pairs his father with his best friend, Kyle. Andy is the owner of a struggling bar. When Kyle needs to help a business for a college course, cue the fun.

First, I love Kyle's friendship with Nathan. Hell, you can't beat a friendship where you can call one another Dildo out of love. Second, I enjoy the way that Nathan brings the two men together. It's an entertaining forced proximity aspect, and the end result is fantastic.

I love everything about this book. The forbidden nature is wonderfully carried out, and the natural way in which Kyle and Andy come together is amazing. Andy's fears and hesitancy are well developed. His fears of his business failing, his fears of being nice to Kyle, and his fears of his newly developing feelings for Kyle are all well explored.

They are so damn perfect for one another. Oh, and they are also deliciously hot for one another. Damn, the chemistry is smoking! As Andy's never been with a man before, the first times are mesmerizing.

This is a story of forbidden romance, with a whole lot of guilt, secrets, and deception. It's not an easy ride for these two to come out to their friends/family. But the ride is awesome. And damn they are hot together, with some steamy first times and plenty of sexy moments.

The writing style is superb, with some lovable characters, a sweet as can be romance, and plenty of light-hearted moments. Written in alternating 1st person pov, the reader is brought into every look, thought, and moment between these two.

Wayward Love is everything I want in a best friend's father romance. Rhys Everly adds in a bisexual awakening and May to December aspect that just ups the fun. I love this book. The emotions are all consuming, with me feeling the pain along with them. I can't recommend this one enough and it's definitely going on my re-read list!
Profile Image for Enirehtak  Melas.
704 reviews32 followers
June 28, 2020
I absolutely loved this one! I don't know if I have read previous books from this author, but I will be doing so now. I will say that this is the second book in a series, but I did not read the previous book before, and I did not feel that it was necessary to do so. However, I will be going back and checking it out because I loved the writing and story.

Now, Age Gap romances are some of my favorites and when combined with best friend's sibling, or in this case father, and BFY (Bi For You, which is GFY without the Bi erasure) I was absolutely all in. Kyle, the younger MC and best friend to Nathan, was quite mature and paired really well with Andy, the other MC and Nathan's father.

Andy, lost his wife a few years back and is struggling both in his personal and professional life. He doesn't have much of a life outside of work, and his business is consuming him to the point where it's crumbling under all the weight, almost quite literally. When Kyle enters the picture looking to help Andy's business and to help him finish his thesis for school, the two clash but eventually find common ground. From the get go, it was obvious that there was some sexual tension between the two men, however, Andy has never been with a man, is a recent widow, and Kyle is his son's best friend. So that makes the situation a whole lot of awkward, but Andy and Kyle can't ignore what is between them both, even if it means having to confront Nathan.

I am curious if there will be a follow up to this book because it hinted that Nathan would be getting his story, or at least it felt like it did. I could even see the chef, Eric, getting his own story. Definite room here for further continuation, and I plan on reading the next book should it be in the works.

Overall, I am glad I got the opportunity to read this ARC because Andy and Kyle's love story was one I am happy to have read. 10/10 would recommend.

*ARC provided, and I have given my honest review*
Profile Image for Cee Brown.
1,306 reviews36 followers
July 11, 2020
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•`My first foray into Cedarwood Beach will definitely NOT be my last.★*´¨✫*

Being a "city" girl, I learned all about small town living from spending summers on the family island. There is nothing better than small town life. The author penned a delightful book about finding love in unexpected places. Just reading about this fictional town made me want too visit.

When Kyle found himself on the verge of flunking his degree, his best friend Nathan stepped in, offering him the opportunity to save himself. What he didn't expect was to find his heart in a much older man.

For Andy, a man who'd lost his wife five years prior, his business and his family were his number one priority. When things started going south, and on the verge of losing everything, Andy allowed his pride to take center stage, until a freckled-face ginger stormed into his bar and turned his life and his bar upside down.

There is no happy ending without some drama, and there were a few. But no one could resist hurricane Kyle and his way of getting what he wanted. Andy realised he just had to let go once his heart caught up.

This was a wonderful story that kept me up all night and I ain't mad. I look forward to Nathan's story, titled: "Rogue Affair" . But before it makes an appearance, why not one click and hop on board to see how it all started with Leo's and Dawson's story Fresh Start.

The author even has a special story that gives a pleasant surprise once you've finished this book.
Profile Image for Tammy Jones.
751 reviews5 followers
July 2, 2020
Andy is a man in trouble...he lost his wife to cancer 5 years ago, his business is failing, and all he does is work. He knows he needs help but he refuses to burden anyone else with his problems. Kyle is the best friend of Andy's son and is in a bit of trouble himself. If he can't find a business to help out for his senior thesis, he won't be able to pass his class. Nathan, Andy's son, suggests Kyle help Andy out...it's a win-win, right?? Kyle doesn't know how he will be able to work with Andy and not completely embarass himself to death....Andy is super hot and makes Kyle think naughty thoughts! Andy is grumpy and does not like change...but he can't deny that Kyle makes him feel "things"...things he doesn't feel right thinking about. As Kyle's business ideas start affecting Andy's business, for the better, Andy starts to look at Kyle differently. What is this attraction, and why does he want things that he didn't realize he wanted? This mid-life awakening takes Andy by surprise but he can't fight it. Will this destroy his relationship with his son? Can Nathan accept his best friend and his dad as a couple? This book was so fun to read and I enjoyed the steamy chemistry between Andy and Kyle. I look forward to reading more from this author.
1,827 reviews3 followers
July 6, 2020
When someone rolls into your life in unexpected ways.

Andy - struggling to keep his business afloat. He hasn't found a crevice where money isn't owed. The last thing he needs right now is to have someone breeze in to his life like a breath of fresh air. Nathan, his best friend, sends in the one man who will try and change everything... his very own son. Not exactly the best of ideas. Especially since he is supposed to be straight? He can't possibly have any feelings for his guy. Completely off limits; too young, and his best friend's son.

Kyle - Currently in school and needs to find a business to do his thesis on or risk the honors in his degree. The perfect opportunity lands in his lay by way of Andy's bar. Problem solved, right? Not so fast. Andy isn't exactly receptive to change of any kind. Really grumpy, in a position to lose everything and add a potential romance. Not part of the plan. Can Kyle use his bubbling charm on a hapless grump to get things moving in more ways than one?

When feelings are damaged, is it possible to save this love before its too late?

May/December, age gap, bisexual awakening, long lasting love.

**I received the ARC via Gay Romance Reviews for my honest feedback.**
Profile Image for Amanda D.
684 reviews
August 21, 2020
I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. I have to admit to having mixed feelings about this book. Overall, the storyline is adorable, the relationship development between Kyle and Andy is a mixture of hot and sweet, and the twists and turns make it a worthy read. Add in the fact that Andy has never had feelings for a man before and falls in love with his son’s best friend who is 20 years younger, and you have a solid plot to explore.

My issue with this book is with some of the things the characters say. For instance, in the beginning of the book Andy happens to walk in on Kyle changing his shirt after spilling a drink on it while hanging out with Andy. Now I’m in no way shape or form sexist or anything of the sorts, but Andy and Kyle make a huge deal out of Andy seeing him half naked. I was confused. I don’t really see how a man seeing a man without his shirt is anything to feel shock about.

But overall it is a good book with well developed characters and a storyline that is easy to follow. It contains enough sexy time to intrigue the reader without making the entire book feel like one sex scene after another. I look forward to the next book in the series.
572 reviews5 followers
June 27, 2020
I loved this 2nd book in the Cedarwood Beach series. It is an age gap, best friend’s dad, bisexual awakening book with steamy rendezvous trysts. This book can be read as a stand-alone within the series, but the characters from book one are interwoven throughout the story so the books are best read in order. Andy is a widower who is trying to keep his bar afloat, but he is barely succeeding. Kyle is a senior in college and best friends with Andy’s son, Nathan, who has to do a senior project on a local business. When the business he has been trying to work with falls through Nathan suggests working at his Dad’s bar. Which wouldn’t be a problem except for one thing, Kyle has had a huge crush on Andy since he first laid eyes on him. As for Andy, he can’t figure out why he is fantasizing about Kyle when he was formerly married to a woman and has always identified as “straight.” When these two start hooking up it becomes even harder to keep it a secret. What happens when feelings get involved and they just can’t hide from everyone anymore? Will Andy’s family forgive him and welcome Kyle into the family? Or are they destined to be miserable apart? Can’t wait for the next book!
Profile Image for Fran.
963 reviews8 followers
June 28, 2020
Whoever said you only get one soulmate in a lifetime, never met Kyle. Andy is a widower entering mid-life after raising his kids and losing his one and only love Lucy six years earlier to cancer. He's a man swimming in debt with a failing business weighing heavily on his shoulders. He's working non-stop but can't see the light at the limitless end of his life's tunnel. Help! And that's what he desperately needs is HELP.
He needs someone with a good business acumen to help him. Andy is stuck with old time business thinking. He needs fresh ideas to save the family business. He won't take on today's so-called new fangled ideas of attracting new customers and that makes him thick-headed. This was a frustrating part of the plot for me. And who tries to rescue him but his son's college age friend Kyle. Kyle who comes on strong from the get-go which raises Andy's ire since Kyle is out and proud. Andy always believed himself straight, but Kyle wakes up feelings he didn't know were buried inside himself. An interesting kind of reversal on the daddy/boy or December/May theme. Glad I was able to read the ARC that I got.
Profile Image for Anna Torres.
341 reviews9 followers
July 3, 2020
Andy’s life is complicated right now. He is about to lose his baby. His bar has been his baby for fifteen years and he is about to lose it. He is at a loss as to what to do. But he is too proud to ask for help, instead whenever someone offers new ideas or tries to help, he snaps at them. One person in particular, Kyle.

Kyle needs to do a project to keep himself in honors at school. At the last minute, the company who supposedly will take him decided not to. Now, he is at a loss. His professor gave him another week extension, thank God for that! His best friend suggested he go and work at the bar his dad owns. After one night working there, he knew that it was struggling to stay afloat. But when he cited ways to improve its overall performance, it wasn’t taken well by Andy.

A reluctant start full of hesitancy, doubts and pride, but eventually it starts to move along smoothly. But there are a few complications to get through first. A story with age gap, best friend’s father tropes. Loving it!

Profile Image for Amy Stauffer.
775 reviews20 followers
July 6, 2020
Change can be scary, hard, but it can also be freeing, exhilarating, and sometimes necessary. Any has been in this stagnate phase since his wife died five years ago. His business is failing, and no one knows about. He is too afraid that they’ll see the failure he believes he is. Kyle needs a small business for a senior project. Nathan, Kyle’s bff and Andy’s son, sets Kyle up to do his project at his dad’s bar. Could this work? Could they help each other out?

What if more starts developing?

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started this book, but it was better than I could’ve hoped for. This is the first book I’ve read by this author, and it won’t be the last. I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline, and the characters. This is book two in the series, but it can be read as a stand-alone. This is a fun, enjoyable age gap plus bi awakening. It’s as steamy as it sounds, too!

***I voluntarily accepted an ARC from Gay Romance Reviews. My review reflects my own thoughts and opinions***
Profile Image for Ζωή Παππά.
Author 2 books27 followers
June 28, 2020
Andy is a widower and a father of three kids. It’s been five years since his wife died and his heart hasn’t healed. The business they owned together is also suffering. Andy is in debt and in real danger of losing his bar.
Enter Kyle.
Kyle is Andy’s son best friend, he’s studying business and ends up working for Andy in order to complete a project for college.
This is an age gap romance set in a small town that totally won my heart.
Both characters are realistic and beautifully written. I could really relate with Andy and Kyle made me smile with his sassy attitude. The chemistry between them was explosive and I enjoyed their love story very much. Also, I thought that Andy’s sexual awakening was handled really well.
I’m having a great time with this series, the family dynamics are fantastic, and I can’t wait for the next book.

5/5 stars

I received an ARC of this book for an honest review
253 reviews2 followers
July 11, 2020
A man crushed by his losses gets a second chance

After his wife's death, Andy has let his life go on automatic, and it's grinding toward collapse. When Kyle, his son's best friend volunteers to help get his business back on track and avert calamity, it seems too wonderful. Especially since he is fascinated by Kyle. What's he thinking - he has 3 kids! Kyle is unashamedly openly and flamboyantly gay. He just needs an internship where he can help improve a business to complete his degree. But he has an obsession with Andy. Awkward. Their attraction is immediate, but the consequences of discovery are potentially very high. I felt for both as they weigh the risks vs the returns. The story is quick and fun. The characters are believable. I felt for both as they weigh the risks vs the returns. I loved this book and look forward to the next.
133 reviews2 followers
June 25, 2020
I was lucky enough to try this new-to-me author's work through an ARC provided by Gay Romance Reviews. I couldn't quite connect to Andy because for someone who identified himself as straight for his life so far, he met Kyle and felt instant attraction/curiosity. Despite his attraction, he was kinda a jerk to Kyle for the first quarter of the book. Kyle carried the book for me honestly. He was instantly attracted to Andy but struggled with potentially hurting his friend Nathan (Andy's son), the cold then hot response from Andy, and genuinely putting effort in trying to help Andy with his business for a school project. This is the second book in the Cedarwood Beach series but it can be read as a standalone.
Profile Image for Angel.
459 reviews5 followers
June 28, 2020
This book made me want to go find Andy's bar and share a drink with the whole group. Andy is in need of so much help but unwilling to ask for it. Then sassy Kyle is kinda forced on him and Andy's life is never the same. Andy and Kyle try to resist they're sizzling chemistry since Kyle and Andy's son are best friends. But it is impossible. They are so sweet, funny and steamy together. Kyle brings the sunshine to Andy's gloomy/grumpy life, reviving not only Andy's bar but also Andy himself. It was so much fun and emotional following this couple's journey to happiness. Andy bisexual awakening is not instant but not dragged out either, it was a perfect balance. I didn't read the first book and was able to follow perfectly. But I definitely will be reading it.
Profile Image for Sally.
292 reviews4 followers
June 28, 2020
Absolutely adored the book, especially Kyle. Oh Kyle! One of the greatest cuties I've read in a while. I was all on board and in love with the book and both of them and then Andy went and screwed that up. I lost all love and respect for Andy at his piss poor response to his son finding out. He made a valiant attempt to earn my love back with his groveling but I just can't get there. For being the adult he sure failed. At any rate it fell to a 4 star because I really didn't care for how the conflict played out. Yes, it was inevitable, but something just struck me wrong and I wish it had been handled a tad differently by the author. At any rate, the book is worth reading and I loved 95% of the book, I just had to vent my anger at Andy.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
1,337 reviews10 followers
July 3, 2020
Back to the town of Cedarwood Beach with Rhys Everly.
This book features Andy, a 43 years old, straight widower, struggling to keep his bar open and completely lost after his late wife death. When his older son's best friend goes to work for him, he not only saves his business, but he turns Andy's life completely upside down. Their mutual attraction is too strong to ignore, but they both fear Andy's son reaction so they start a secret relationship...
The book is funny and romantic, and steamy, too! Andy is a grumpy bear, but underneath is just a big softie, and Kyle is such a ray of sunshine, but also a capable businessman for his age.
Also, there are so many men in Cedarwood Beach who still need to find their HEA, I can't wait for more...
Profile Image for Vicki.
882 reviews20 followers
June 20, 2020
This is a well written age gap romance between the sunshine guy, Kyle and the grumpy older guy, Andy. It’s complicated seeing us Kyle is Andy’s sons best friend and that does lead to some angst later in the story. Adding to their issues is Andy’s bi awakening and how he handles that. So a lot going on that needs to be resolved before they get their HEA.
I really enjoyed the story arc and was fully engaged with the characters. Their chemistry is pretty much instant and when they gave into it the heat and steam levels certainly rose. So with a bit of angst, some feels, a dash of the dramatic and a side character setting the scene for the next book, it made for a very enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Devoted❤️Reader.
1,480 reviews28 followers
June 28, 2020
A breezy love

I want to visit Cedarwood Beach and have a drink at Andy’s bar, especially if Kyle and the whole family are invited. I adore Kyle’s spirit, feistiness and how he makes me smile. He’s a force of nature that breezes in and makes everyone and everything better. Andy, though, I must admit made me want to shake him at times. His cloudy grumpiness almost hid the most wonderful ray of sunshine in his life. Thank the Lady Goddess for best friends, a family that never says no to love, romantic grand gestures and especially for Kyle who helps him find himself again. A truly lovely story of finding love, happiness and hope even when you think there’s none.
Profile Image for Janet Hunt.
3,503 reviews41 followers
July 1, 2020
This was a sweet, angsty age gap romance. Andy is a grumpy bar owner who lost his wife and is struggling to keep his bar afloat. Kyle is a college student who needs a marketing project to finish a class. He also is Andy’s sons’ best friend. Andy is torn between trying to save his bar, hiding his relationship with Kyle, and keeping his family from finding out he may not be so straight as everyone thinks. The yin/yang in this story was horrible for poor Kyle. It was good age gap romance, definitely enjoyed this story line.
I am voluntarily leaving a review form an ARC that I received. My reviews are solely based on my thoughts and opinions.
Profile Image for Audrey Pott.
679 reviews1 follower
June 24, 2020
The blurb says it all so just know Rhys’s words were descriptive, insightful, family, angst, in fact the intensity of the story mixed with complexity of the characters and a roller coaster ride of emotions had me captivated. There were times I wanted to throttle Andy, the chemistry between Andy and Kyle was explosive. So many loveable characters I can’t wait for Nathan’s story.

I voluntarily reviewed an arc of this book for my honest opinions of which I’m under no obligation to do so. I definitely recommend this book.
Profile Image for Lyndsay TC.
2,023 reviews4 followers
June 24, 2020
Andy and Kyle absolutely captured my heart in this best friend's dad romance. Andy didn't realize how much of his life was passing him by and how his grumpiness was affecting his relationship with his kids and his bar. Kyle being the fresh breathe of air Andy tried resisting both professionally and personally was exactly what everyone needed to get back on track and move forward to the future. There was of course the break up scene that broke my heart but as things tend to do in romances, Andy and Kyle found their way back to one another just in time for their happily ever after.
3,223 reviews33 followers
June 25, 2020
Hot, lonely dad and his 🍺 business need fixin'😉

I liked the writing, the small-town setting and this age-gap couple. Bar-owning family man Andy is set in his ways and stubborn; young business student Kyle is the out-and-proud breath of fresh air Andy's dying business and his romantically desolate existence need. It's got a good mix of steaminess, romance, and drama, with just the right amount of obstacles and angst. 👍

I read a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest review.
10 reviews
June 27, 2020
They're imperfect. You'll roll your eyes at them. You might just yell at your book, "Why? Why did you do that?!" And you'll love seeing Kyle and Andy come together. Coming back to Cedarwood Beach is like coming home with an amazing family, a kick-ass yaya, and perfectly imperfect characters for us to enjoy some time with. Looking forward to seeing what happens next and checking in on Kyle and Andy (Wayward Love) and Leo and Dawson (Fresh Start)!!!

I received an ARC. It made the story even better, like getting to know what your best friend is getting for their birthday :)
377 reviews6 followers
June 27, 2020
What a great read. Andy and Kyle were made for each other. I loved the best friend's dad story line. At times I wanted to shake some sense into them about the lying but that just shows you how emotionally involved I got with the characters. Of course the cameos of the characters from the first book as well as the whole Karaganis family. The relationships in this book were amazing and I was so happy that we finally met Maya. The bisexual awakening was done very well and the scenes between Andy and Kyle were both sweet and steamy. I can't wait to read the next one! Highly recommend this book!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 67 reviews

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