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Can love and acceptance help Callum forgive himself?

Callum’s past haunts him and he’s desperate for a fresh start. When his uncle takes him in and the manager of the Heaven and Hell Club gives him a chance, things might be looking up.

Then he meets Dylan—a cocky, make-up wearing twink who challenges all his assumptions about himself.

Getting to know each other changes everything, as they give each other the love and acceptance they’ve both craved throughout their lives. But will it be enough to ease their doubts, heal their wounds, and allow them to have their own happy ever after?

Forgiven is the third book in the Heaven and Hell Club series. It’s a hurt/comfort romance, with a slow burn relationship, a bi-sexual awakening, tattoos, and piercings in interesting places. It can be read as a standalone, but works better as part of the series.

Content warning: homophobic family.

Recommended reading order:

Broken (Book 1)
Unbreakable (Prequel)
Forgotten (Book 2)
Forgiven (Book 3)

236 pages, Kindle Edition

Published September 17, 2020

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About the author

Colette Davison

58 books398 followers
I'm an indie author from the UK, who writes contemporary and paranormal M/M romance. My books have flawed characters, happy endings, and lots of heart.





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Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews
Profile Image for Carol.
2,911 reviews113 followers
January 8, 2024
I had a great deal of admiration for Callum. He had a horrible family, except for his Uncle Ezra who he came to Leeds to live with. His homophobic father was in prison for the murder of a man just because he didn't approve of the man's sexual choices. The continuous support and actions boarding on glowing admiration for his father was more than he could stand. A fresh start was what he needed, away from what was left of his toxic family....and he found it in Leeds. He lands a job as a barman in "Heaven and Hell", a gay pole-dance club in Leeds. He couldn't believe it when one of the dancers, Dylan, playfully begins to flirt with him. Dylan is lonely and he hides that loneliness behind his numerous tattoos, piercings and one-time hookups. He was desperate for love that he thought he would never find or want. Dylan's childhood consisted of being shoved around from foster family to another. Then, to his surprise, he falls for the club's confused barman, and he fears he has now made himself even more vulnerable. Callum is slowly learning more about himself and none of it is anything that his sister or mother will approve of or care about anyway. I had trouble understanding why he would subject himself to even caring what they thought. This story was all about love and acceptance and how it can be found in the most unexpected places. Dylan made you just wanted to hug him. He was so calm, accepting and patient with Callum....even when Callum didn't realize that that was what he needed or wanted. There was nothing likable, much less, lovable, about Callum's family, so I was happy that the author didn't waste much valuable space and ink on them. This author has always been able to describe the thoughts and emotions of her characters in a way that makes them almost real.
Profile Image for Jerri.
550 reviews3 followers
September 11, 2020
Oh, my god, I loved this. Callum and Dylan have their share of baggage, but they make it through.
I love the setting for this series, and the description of the dances. But the characters are so real, so relatable, they’re impossible to resist.
These guys are so brave. They face life and it’s challenges head-on. They run the risk of being abandoned and/or shamed by their families. Since they’ve found their chosen families at the club, it’s okay.
I’ll always read anything Colette writes. I’ve enjoyed every word so far!
Profile Image for Szidi ☼.
947 reviews55 followers
September 7, 2020
So sweet! Loved Dylan&Callum❤

I think this book is the sweetest in the series. Forgotten was cute and sweet too, but Callum and Dylan was super sweet like a candy or a marshmallow♥ I really loved their story.

It was really good to be back in the Heaven and Hell Club, I missed those guys and seeing them dancing is everything- although I really wanted to see Dylan dancing for Callum in the Club.

Callum was the loveliest and my heart hurt for him and his past, but it was so good to see him change and live the life he deserve. Dylan was a man-whore, different guys in his bed all the time, no emotions and no relationships at all. Then came Callum and Dylan's world was upside down. I'm a sucker for man-whore characters, it's so good to see them fall in love and be in a monogamus relationship. So Dylan was really, really a good character and so perfect for Callum. Those two together were too cute for words.

Loved reading this book and now it's my favorite in the series. The cover is so perfect too!

Highly recommend it.

5,702 reviews35 followers
September 17, 2020
this story is amazing.. the entire series makes me smile and happy.. it is sexy and interesting and the dance moves are super sexy. i enjoyed it a lot and these two make me happy. very good
Profile Image for Karolina Cebula.
390 reviews4 followers
September 23, 2020
Callum tries to start his life anew, although on his shoulders he carries not only the burden of his own mistakes, but also that of the crime committed by his father. When he gets a job as a bartender at Heaven and Hell club, instead of feeling relieved, he becomes concerned about the opinion of his intolerant mother and sister. Moreover, he discovers something totally unexpected about himself and this revelation changes his life forever.
And all thanks to Dylan, a pole dancer who hides his true self behind a high wall of pretended carelessness. It turns out, however, that the wall, although high, is not insurmountable, and the person who decides to jump over it is Callum himself.

"Forgiven" is the third volume of the emotional and truly brilliant "Heaven and Hell Club" series by Colette Davison. In the case of the novels written by this author, the characters' psyche plays a huge role and we see it also in this book. It should be noted that in "Forgiven", we can clearly see our boys' psyche on every page of the novel, as it is an integral part of their construction and presentation. Callum and Dylan are built taking into consideration their souls and the psychological burden of their childhood lives. Due to the fact that the author makes the problems the characters face a really important part of their characteristics, the subject of all emotional and psychological problems does not dominate in this book, but is simply part of it. I would like to add that I am really impressed with natural, real, simple and truly perfect way in which Colette Davison shows the characters, their psyche, which is to some extent broken, and the reasons behind it.

One of the problems shown in the novel that I've mentioned is the need for closeness and parental love that starts at a very young age and strongly influences human development and growth. In "Forgiven" we see some negative effects of the parents' lack of interest in the child, the lack of parental love or love of any other caregiver. The author emphasizes the fact that the closeness and love a child lacks during the childhood translates into their further development problems and has its consequences even when the person is much older. For some people it is quite obvious, while others do not even realize it, which is why I am glad that Colette Davison makes her readers so clearly aware of all that, while she's caring for the subtlety of the message, the reliability of the characters and their problems. However, no matter what I say, I am not able to fully show you the author's genius, so you have to read this book and see all that yourself.

Another really well presented problem, which mostly affects children while its consequences are often visible even during adult life, are the mistakes of parents for which a child repents. However, it is worth noting that in the case of some sensitive people, even adult children of parents who commit a crime sometimes feel they need repentance. I think that far fewer people are aware of this fact than is the case with the problem I've mentioned earlier. What I mean exactly in this case is that sometimes children are ashamed, to some extent feel guilty and have remorse while their parent who committed a crime feels nothing. In "Forgiven", the author focuses primarily on this side of the problem, although she also shows its other aspect, that is, the case of people who blame a child, a son, for the sins of his father. Either way, this is undoubtedly another important, very deep psychological problem that Colette Davison has perfectly shown in this story. Believe me, there are no words to describe how excellent the author did in this case. To fully grasp the genius of how she wove this problem into the construction of one of her characters, you have to read "Forgiven". I assure you that you won't regret it.

There's also one more thing I want to note. "Forgiven" deals not only with the problems. This novel is like a rainbow coming out after the rain, the sun looking out from behind the clouds. The book shows that by surrounding ourselves with the right people, we take the first step to leave the past behind us, take its weight off our shoulders. The past can't be changed and we can't choose our biological family, but the choices we make at the moment are our own. They decide what kind of people we are. Moreover, in "Forgiven" we also see that this one right person can heal deep wounds from childhood. The scars will remain, but they won't bleed, they won't ooze pus. So as you see, "Forgiven" is a novel about new beginning, healing the soul, power of friendship and love, our influence on others, which we are sometimes not even aware of.

To sum up, "Forgiven" is a wonderful, deep, touching and truly wise novel. Colette Davison perfectly showed the characters and their problems as a whole, thanks to which she gave us an insight into their psyche to an extent that we have not yet seen. To be honest, the author impresses me more and more with each new novel and "Forgiven" is yet another prove of this fact.


Callum stara się zacząć życie na nowo, chociaż na swoich barkach dźwiga ciężar nie tylko swoich błędów, ale także przestępstwa popełnionego przez ojca. Kiedy dostaje pracę barmana w klubie Heaven and Hell, zamiast poczuć ulgę, zaczyna się martwić opinią nietolerancyjnej matki i siostry. Co więcej, zaczyna odkrywać prawdę o samym sobie, z której nawet nie zdawał sobie sprawy.
A wszystko to dzięki Dylanowi, tancerzowi z klubu, który ukrywa swoje prawdziwe oblicza za wysokim murem pozornej beztroski. Okazuje się jednak, że mur chociaż wysoki, nie jest nie do pokonania, zaś osobą, która postanawia go przeskoczyć jest Callum.

„Forgiven” jest trzecim tomem emocjonalnej i naprawdę doskonałej serii „Heaven and Hell Club” autorstwa Colette Davison. Jak to często bywa w historiach tej autorki, także i w tej książce ogromne znaczenie odgrywa psychika naszych bohaterów. Warto zauważyć, że w „Forgiven” temat ten jest wyraźnie zauważalny na każdej stronie powieści, jako że stanowi on integralną część budowy i przedstawienia naszych chłopców. Callum i Dylan zostali bowiem ukształtowani przez swoje wnętrze i psychiczny ciężar życia jakie wiedli za młodu. Dzięki temu, że autorka czyni problemy z jakimi zmagają się bohaterowie czymś, co stanowi ważną część ich charakterystyki, temat wszelkich problemów natury emocjonalnej, psychicznej, uczuciowej nie dominuje w tej powieści, ale jest po prostu jej częścią. Dodam jeszcze, że jestem pod ogromnym wrażeniem tego, w jak naturalny, prawdziwy, prosty i naprawdę doskonały sposób w „Forgiven” Colette Davison ukazała postaci, ich w pewnym stopniu zaburzoną psychikę oraz przyczyny takiego stanu rzeczy.

Jednym ze wspomnianych przeze mnie problemów ukazanych w powieści jest pojawiająca się już w młodym wieku i wpływająca na dalszy rozwój człowieka potrzeba bliskości i miłości rodzicielskiej. W „Forgiven” widzimy niektóre skutki braku zainteresowanie rodziców dzieckiem, braku rodzicielskiej miłości, czy też chociażby miłości opiekunów. Autorka podkreśla bowiem fakt, iż to czego dziecku brakuje pod względem emocjonalnym w dzieciństwie przekłada się na jego dalszy rozwój i jest odczuwalne nawet w wieku dorosłym. Dla niektórych osób jest to czymś oczywistym, inni nawet nie zdają sobie z tego sprawy, dlatego cieszę się, że Colette Davison tak dobitnie uświadamia pod tym względem swoich czytelników, jednocześnie dbając o subtelność przekazu, realność bohaterów oraz ich problemów. Cokolwiek jednak bym nie napisała, nie jestem w stanie oddać geniuszu autorki w pełni, to trzeba przeczytać samemu.

Kolejny naprawdę dobrze ukazany w powieści problem, który wpływa w największej mierze na dziecko, a którego konsekwencje mogą być widoczne nawet w okresie dorosłości to błędy rodziców, za które wewnętrznie pokutują dzieci. Warto jednak zauważyć, że w przypadku osób wrażliwych, pokuta dotyczyć może nawet dorosłych już dzieci sprawiających pewne problemy rodziców. Myślę, że z tego faktu zdaje sobie sprawę o wiele mniej osób, niż ma to miejsce w przypadku wspomnianego przeze mnie wcześniejszego problemu. Dokładniej mówiąc, chodzi mi bowiem o rodzica popełniającego przestępstwo, za które wstydzi się dziecko, to ono czuje się w pewnym stopniu winne, ono ma wyrzuty sumienia. W „Forgiven” autorka skupia się przede wszystkim na tej właśnie stronie problemu, chociaż ukazuje także jego drugie oblicze, a więc przypadek osób, które niejako same obwiniają dziecko, syna, o grzechy ojca. Tak czy inaczej, niewątpliwie jest to kolejny ciężki, bardzo głęboki problem natury psychologicznej, który Colette Davison doskonale przedstawiła w tej historii. Naprawdę nie sposób oddać słowami tego, jak dobrze także i w tym wypadku spisała się autorka. Aby w pełni pojąć geniusz tego, jak wplotła wspomniany problem w budowę jednego ze swoich bohaterów musicie przeczytać „Forgiven”. Zapewniam, że nie będziecie żałować.

„Forgiven” to jednak nie tylko problemy, to także tęcza wychodząca po deszczu, wyglądające zza chmur słońce. Powieść pokazuje bowiem, że otaczając się właściwymi osobami robimy ten pierwszy krok na drodze do pozostawienia przeszłości za sobą, do pozbycia się jej ciężaru. Przeszłości nie sposób zmienić, a rodziny się nie wybiera, ale wybory jakich dokonujemy teraz należą tylko do nas. To one decydują o tym, jakimi jesteśmy ludźmi. Co więcej, w „Forgiven” widzimy również, że nawet jedna właściwa osoba jest w stanie zaleczyć rany powstałe w dzieciństwie. Blizny pozostaną, ale nie krwawią, nie sączy się z nich ropa. „Forgiven” jest więc powieścią o nowym początku, leczeniu duszy, sile przyjaźni i miłości, naszym wpływie na innych, z którego czasami nawet nie zdajemy sobie sprawy.

Podsumowując, „Forgiven” to powieść wspaniała, głęboka, poruszająca i naprawdę mądra. Colette Davison w doskonały sposób ukazała bohaterów oraz ich problemy jako jedną całość, dzięki czemu dała nam wgląd w ich psychikę, jakiego do tej pory nie mieliśmy. Autorka zachwyca mnie coraz bardziej z każdą kolejną powieścią i „Forgiven” zdecydowanie jest tego dowodem.
Profile Image for Amy Dufera - Amy's MM Romance Reviews.
2,698 reviews132 followers
September 17, 2020
Forgiven, the third book in the Heaven and Hell Club series is a spectacular read. This Colette Davison story is easily read as a standalone, but if you haven't yet read the previous books, you should because they are amazing! This one is less angsty than the other Heaven and Hell books, but it still has the same type of heartfelt feel to it.

Callum and Dylan make for an interesting and intriguing couple. Both are broken men with pasts who have shaped them into the men they are today. If you love when two broken men can be complete together, you'll enjoy this book.

Callum is broken, having just managed to survive his homophobic upbringing. He's never seriously considered being with a guy until he meets the sexy dancer, by whom he's gobsmacked.
Callum's getting his life back on track, after being released from jail. He is another great example of how tough it is to get a job when you have a record. Damn, I just want to hug him. He has so damn much pain, guilt, and baggage on his shoulders. and he desperately needs to forgive himself before he can move on.

Meanwhile, Dylan oozes sexuality and confidence and is a breathe of fresh air. He's unapologetic about who he is and I love him. He's got sexy dance moves, including stripping and private dances, and is a makeup wearing twink. But when Callum starts peeling back his layers, Callum and the readers discover all that Dylan has been hiding. Damn, his secrets are heartbreaking.

Both men are lovable, making me want to support and protect them, as the mother figure they never had. Oh, the baggage that Callum carries, feeling responsible for his father's horrific behavior. His life would have been completely different if he had never taken on the guilt of his father's actions. And then there's Dylan, who's reversal from a man who pushed people away and never let anyone get close to him, to the man he is at the end is stunning. He finds himself falling head over heels in love and accepting it is, with is just beautiful.

I adore the way they both open up to one another and support each other, allowing the other to be real. And as an added bonus, they are hot together, with some amazing first times for Callum,
These are two men who help one another deal with their guilt in life. They face family issues galore, with some foster care issues, abandonment issues, and some extreme homophobia. There are plenty of secondary characters to keep things interesting in other areas. I love Callum's uncle and the breakthrough they have in their relationship.

Written in alternating 3rd person pov, each man is fully explored, emotions and all. The characters are wonderfully developed, both complex and lovable. Their storyline is heartfelt and I couldn't get enough of these men. I love how it's written, never seeming over the top, always feeling realistic.

Forgiven is a beautiful story. Colette Davison continues to impress me with this book and series. This book won't leave you disappointed, as every moment with these men, as they find someone who helps them feel loved and secure for the first time in their lives, is touching. And the ending is as sweet as can be.
Profile Image for Samantha Ortega.
531 reviews11 followers
September 19, 2020
FR- Alors alors... alors je dois dire que Dylan m'intriguait beaucoup et que je me demandais bien qui l'auteure allait pouvoir trouver pour lui. Et j'ai beaucoup aimé le personnage de Callum. Je dois dire que l'histoire de Callum et Dylan était un peu moins difficile que celles des autres personnages jusque là ce qui fait que je suis restée légèrement en dehors.

J'ai adoré retrouver l'univers du Heaven and Hell Club ainsi que tous les personnages des tomes précédents. C'est une famille de coeur comme on les aimes et j'ai vraiment aimé les revoir et tous les moments qui se passent avec eux.

J'ai été très touchée par l'histoire de Callum et le poids qu'il porte sur ses épaules. J'ai trouvé très original que l'auteure choisisse ce theme et le traite de cette façon. On ne peut que compatir à la douleur de Callum et souffrir avec lui.
L'histoire de Dylan est toute aussi touchante. C'était un personnage assez "désagréable" dans les autres tomes meme si on sentait bien qu'il y avait quelque chose derrière sa personnalité un peu too much. Et j'ai été très touchée par son passé.

Une fois de plus, les deux personnages ensembles sont super touchants et très très attachants. Ils sont parfait l'un pour l'autre et s'apporte énormément.

En résumé, un tome vraiment sympa, un peu moins lourd que les tomes précédents mais tout aussi attachant et agréable. Une série vraiment sympathique à découvrir sans plus tarder.

ENG- So well well well... well I must say that Dylan intrigued me a lot and that I wondered who the author was going to be able to find for him. And I really liked the character of Callum. I have to say that the story of Callum and Dylan was a little less difficult than those of the other characters so far so I stayed slightly outside.

I loved finding the universe of Heaven and Hell Club as well as all the characters from the previous volumes. It is a family of heart as we love them and I really enjoyed seeing them again and all the moments that pass with them.

I was very touched by Callum's story and the weight he carries on his shoulders. I found it very original that the author chose this theme and treated it in this way. One can only sympathize with Callum's pain and suffer with him.
Equally touching is Dylan's story. He was a rather "disagreeable" character in the other books even if we felt that there was something behind his personality a little too much. And I was very touched by his past.

Once again, the two characters together are super touching and very very endearing. They are perfect for each other and add a lot.

In summary, a really nice tome, a little less heavy than the previous tomes but just as endearing and pleasant. A really nice series to discover without further delay.
Profile Image for ButtonsMom2003.
3,095 reviews28 followers
September 18, 2020
This story touched my heart!

Forgiven is the perfect title for this book. It's the third in the Heaven and Hell Club series that's best enjoyed in order because of the interconnected characters but you can read it as a standalone if you want to. I listened to the first two books as audios without having read them and I loved them. Sometimes that can be a better experience than reading, sometimes not. In this case I loved reading the book but I also hope it joins the first two and comes out in audio format.

I felt so bad for both Callum and Dylan. Both of them are hiding significant parts of themselves and they both had difficult times growing up. Callum's family is homophobic and he is scared of losing his mom and sister's love if he lets them know where he is working and who he is dating. There are other things in his past that he is ashamed of and doesn't want people to find out.

Dylan is a great dancer at Heaven and Hell Club. He spots the new bartender, Callum, right away and wants to have fun with him. That's all Dylan ever does, have a bit of sexy fun with a man and then move on to the next; he never lets anyone get close. He presents a bold face to the world but it doesn't take long for that mask to crumble after he and Callum begin to get close.

Forgiven is full of emotions and it brought on tears more than once. I just wanted to hug Callum and tell him things will be alright. I loved one scene in the book in particular. Dylan comes up with a great way for him and Callum to get rid of their regrets.

There is a rich cast of characters in this series and I enjoyed getting to visit with the couples from previous books; I hope there are more books coming. I'd love to read a story for Callum's uncle – even though he's not exactly connected to the club.

Well done, Ms. Davison, Forgiven is a great addition to this series!

A copy of this book was provided to me but my review was voluntary and not influenced by the author.

***Reviewed for Xtreme-Delusions dot com*** (Sept. 19, 2020)
Profile Image for Emily Hernandez.
1,091 reviews18 followers
September 15, 2020
I think this is the best book Colette Davison has ever written. I've read and enjoyed the rest of the Heaven and Hell Club series, but none of those stories got to me on quite the same level as this one. Callum and Dylan have such big, beautiful hearts, and though they're guarded from past pain and rejection, I could sense their capacity for deep, meaningful love from the very beginning. Sure, the cocky facade Dylan put on for the rest of the world wasn't that appealing, and I did want to kick Callum a couple times when he was so determined to carry the weight of his family's sins on his shoulders, but these men were so genuinely good underneath it all that I couldn't stop myself from loving them. Though this book isn't quite as angsty as the other stories in this series, I still had to fight back my tears as Dylan and Callum opened up to each other and let go of years of regrets and fears. What I loved so much about this story is that being in love didn't miraculously solve all of Dylan or Callum's problems. As Callum says to Dylan, “I think we make each other braver,”  and that bravery is what sparked meaningful change in each man's life. The way Callum and Dylan understood each other on such a soul-deep level was amazing, and somehow felt so believable and realistic despite how quickly their bond formed. As Callum has never been with a man before, this romance is pretty light on the steamy moments, but I never felt like I was missing out on anything with these two--even a steamy kiss felt more intimate than some encounters I've read. All in all, I can't give this story enough praise. Hours after reading it I'm still sitting here thinking about how lovely it was.

**I voluntarily read an ARC of this book. This review expresses my honest thoughts and opinions. 
Profile Image for Sarita Chapdelaine.
1,220 reviews1 follower
September 17, 2020
Forgiven is another excellent addition to the Heaven and Hell Club series and I loved everything about it. This wonderful story is beautifully written, sweet, emotional, sexy, gritty, deals well with some very difficult issues, has amazing characters and I was fully engaged from the first page to the last. I love Callum so much and my heart breaks for him as he deals with his bigoted family and tries to move on with his life after making so many mistakes in his past. Dylan is snarky, funny and has no filter at all but underneath all of that he has a huge heart. They are exactly what the other needs but the obstacles that they face seem to be insurmountable as the issues from their pasts are still affecting them but it doesn't stop them from acting on their attraction to each other. I love how their relationship evolves as well as how accepting Callum is and how patient and caring Dylan is. The secondary characters are great and Ezra is absolutely wonderful as he supports Callum unconditionally. The ending is perfect and I can't wait to read the next book in this incredible series.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book.
114 reviews
September 17, 2020
This is the third book in the series, but in my opinion it can be read as a standalone. I only read this book yet in this series and had no problems following.
Reading this book was a wonderful heartwarming experience. The emotions and inner conflicts of the main characters were represented in a soft and empathetic way. Two young adults on their way opening towards each others and daring to lay open their feelings and fears, but also trying to heal the hurts and scars from their pasts. Besides some deep moments, which fill the reader with lots of sympathy, there is still a lot of humour and also sizzling heat. Next to quite a few tears I was really laughing inbetween. For sure a book for a wonderful cosy weekend-reading.
A beautiful romance with tender love, a pinch of heat and low angst gives you the well deserved HEA. After this I definitely want to read the first books too and cannot await the next one.
Profile Image for Ζωή Παππά.
Author 2 books27 followers
September 12, 2020
The main characters of this book are Callum, a man with a criminal record and a dark past and Dylan, a pole dancer who is hiding behind lies. Both men are wearing a mask in front of everyone and hiding their true selves. Both men are broken and they don't believe they deserve love. The two of them are so similar and so different at the same time. As their friendship evolves they slowly grow closer and start opening up to each other. They find forgiveness and love and they're finally able to be true to themselves and their friends. I really really loved the book. The chemistry between Callum and Dylan was beautiful. They were so sweet and cute together. Their happy ending was so heartwarming it put a smile on my face. Such a beautiful book and a great addition to the series!

4,5/5 stars

I received an ARC of this book for an honest review.
Profile Image for GhostMMreader.
590 reviews11 followers
September 15, 2020
"He saw himself reflected in Callum. They'd both had hard childhoods, but they were both doing their best to turn things around and make their futures brighter." I think these thoughts of Dylan are the perfect blurb for the story of Dylan and Callum. Two incredibly unperfect men, who have lived most of their lives lying to friends and family but mostly to themselves. I loved the fact that the author did not choose to pair any of Dylan or Callum with a strong man acting as the shoulder for the man to cry on because the fact that they have so many similarities makes them perfect partners and their relationship is based on mutual exchange of trust, of tears, of joyful moments and they may grow together creating their own family and emotional bonds despite homophobic blood family members.

I received a copy of this book from the author and am very happy to recommend this story.
Profile Image for Charlotte Kane.
Author 25 books33 followers
September 19, 2020
Forgiven was an easy book to read, albeit a rollercoaster of emotions. It was beautifully written and Colette definitely tugged at the heart strings with this one.

Forgiven looks at a relationship between two characters that do not wish to have a relationship, but once they found each other they were not willing to give up on each other - regardless of their past.

Callum is damaged, and has a dark past. One that he worries will affect his future. But when he walks into Heaven and Hell, his entire life is turned upside down and he discovers people that do not care about who he was and wish to know him for who he is. The message in the book is that your past does not define you, and therefore, do not let it mar your future.

I really enjoyed this book and I sympathised with the characters completely.

I love the Heaven and Hell series.
Profile Image for Alan D.D..
Author 33 books77 followers
September 18, 2020
Demasiado intensa y tierna para mí. Fue doloroso seguir leyendo pero tampoco podía dejar de hacerlo porque la historia de los personajes te mueve demasiado. A medida que los conoces y simpatizas con ellos, más quieres saber qué va a pasar y cómo va a terminar todo. La autora también tiene un estilo excelente que te sumerge por completo en la historia. ¡Mi favorito hasta ahora en la saga!

Too intense and tender for me. It was painful to keep reading but I couldn't stop doing it either because the story of the characters moves you too much. As you get to know them and sympathize with them, the more you want to know what's going to happen and how it's going to end. The author also has an excellent style that completely immerses you in the story. My favorite so far in the saga!
Profile Image for Janet Hunt.
3,503 reviews41 followers
September 18, 2020
I loved Dylan and Callum more than any other character’s Colette Davison has written to date!! That is saying something because I’ve loved all her main characters! Dylan was out and proud and oh so loud! Callum was so confused; he did not know what he was, but he knew Dylan made him hot and bothered. This was a low angst, hot and steamy, fluffy romance. They made an interesting couple, I loved how Dylan was so patient with Callum. They were both broken in their own ways but together they were perfect!! It is a really good story!! Well written with a lot of emotion and character development. Highly recommend. I am voluntarily leaving a review form an advanced copy that I received. My reviews are solely based on my thoughts and opinions.
Profile Image for Mandy Tunstill.
347 reviews8 followers
September 17, 2020
Love all heaven & hell series but this one blew me away, Dylan & Callum they are made for each other so adorable from friends to lovers. Callum trying to start again living with his uncle Ezra away from his bigoted family looking for work no one gives him a chance until Michael at the heaven & hell club as a barman, that's where Dylan sees him it's lust at first site. Dylan's cocky pushy, and cheeky so easily bored make-up wearing twink and doesn't realise Callum's straight and agrees just to be friends that his until things change between them. Dylan shows no one the real him until Callum comes along, these two together are so beautiful they need each other. Fantastic 5 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Profile Image for Anabela.M..
959 reviews14 followers
September 17, 2020
I really can't explain how much I adored this story. It was sweet, cute, hot. Simply amazing.

I fell in love with Callum and Dylan immediately. They were wonderfully human, with flaws and strengths, insecurities and masks they showed to the world, so incredibly good hearted and caring. I'm amazed by how the author made it seem that Callum and Dylan came into each other's lives at the perfect moment, two incomplete men who finally found one another. They both carried emotional baggage and it was beautiful to see them slowly share their burdens, opening their hearts to love and happiness.

I loved every page, every emotion and every second I lost myself in this book.

Profile Image for Lisa.
332 reviews30 followers
September 21, 2020
Excellent addition to the series

I love this series it’s just gets better as it go’s on . We form a bond with all the guys in the club and they are just like one big family that u want to be part of.

Dylan was a cocky sh!t in the last story to see him evolve and become the person he was in this story was a fantastic journey. Callum might have had his share of ups and downs more downs than ups but this story shows that family isn’t always blood related.

Love can over come all obstacles you just have to have time and patience maybe a little bit of persuasion doesn’t hurt either.

I hope we get some more in this series.
Profile Image for Maureen.
2,646 reviews32 followers
September 24, 2020
I love this author and I love this series, some of them have been hard to read, gut wrenching even, this one was another winner for me. Dylan rubbed me the wrong way previously and again at the start of this one, but we were supposed to read it that way, Dylan hides his pain behind a cocky, arrogant facade. Callum is a sad and lost soul searching for something worthwhile to hold onto. They were both, in Dylan's words, screw ups, they were both broken inside. Amazing writing, touching and heartbreaking moments but with an hea, wonderful stuff! I really hope Ezra has a story to tell, I found him intriguing, with a sad past.
Profile Image for Siobhan Flynn.
568 reviews2 followers
October 8, 2020
Callum has had a very intolerant upbringing in regards to who people can love and is further mirred in bearing his father's burden upon himself. Dylan has all the walls built up and he deals with his issues by being promiscuous. Callum is straight but when he catches Dylan performing his sensual dancing something pulls him closer. Just one giant of a found family who are not afraid to go for what they want, i found them extremely relatable. Soul baring and a lot of healing done to move forward and past what was holding them back.
Profile Image for Wendy Ballard.
644 reviews1 follower
September 9, 2020
Dylan is someone who does his best not to let anyone get to close to him and tells lies to male other believe that he has the perfect family when he lost his family early in his childhood and was put in foster care until he meets Callum
Callum has no issues with gay couples but his father killed someone because he was gay and his mom and sister is there supporting his father and he does not want anything to do with it
Profile Image for Coline Peterson.
609 reviews5 followers
September 14, 2020
I love this series by Colette Davison it just sucks me in and keeps me there so inthralled with the story as it unfolds that it makes it impossible to put down I have to read the whole thing right now. After meeting Dylan earlier in the series you just knew it would take someone special to be able to appreciate his special abrasive personality but when Callum comes along it was like something inside him changed and now if he could just get Callum to see, life together could be perfect.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
3,409 reviews27 followers
September 17, 2020
Forgiven by Colette Davison is the third book in the Heaven and Hell Club series. Hurt/comfort, drama, a sweet and then steamy slow burn romance, hot descriptions that intrigue and tantalize...this book grabs you and makes you feel snd fall in love. Callum and Dylan are fantastic and their lovestory will make you smile.

I was able to read an advanced copy of this title and am reviewing voluntarily and honestly my own thoughts, opinion and reactions based on that copy.
Profile Image for Myeshia Cole.
687 reviews2 followers
October 20, 2020
Each book in this series just gets better and better. Callum and Dylan were the absolute best. Both were troubled, flawed, and scared and still I fell in love with them. They brought out the best in each other and saw through the crap to the real person. Watching them fall in love was awesome. I loved this book.
Profile Image for Helen.
919 reviews2 followers
November 24, 2021
Last in the Heaven and Hell series

We initially met Dylan in the other books in this series.
He was literally working his way through as many men as possible, a stunning pole dancer at the club, who loves makeup, but a man-eater.

Callum, he's a troubled young man, fresh out of Juvie and looking to find a better future for himself. But, unfortunately, he has a problematic family, an understatement of the year.

This is a beautiful love story. Pretty low angst but full of firsts. I love the characters, but Colette never fails on beefing out the character descriptions.

I would recommend not just this book but the series.

Piers Ryman did an excellent job of the narration of this book, but I did speed up on audible like usual.

Heaven and Hell Club, Book 3
By: Colette Davison
Narrated by: Piers Ryman
Length: 6 hrs and 35 mins

❤❤❤❤❤ Overall
🎧🎧🎧🎧🎧 Narration
📚📚📚📚📚 Story
Read at 1.45 speed on Audible

I received this audiobook for free from the author at my request. My review is my opinion and an honest review - nor did the author influence my opinion.
Profile Image for Josh Dale.
225 reviews5 followers
November 25, 2020
Well the series name Heaven and Hell Club certainly holds up in this book.

Poor Callum is trying to put his life back together after a stint in Juvie. He made some bad choices but wants a Fresh start, so has moved to Leeds to live with his Uncle.

Dylan hides behind his perfect life image, Afraid that people will not like the real Dylan.

Both guys have had a hard and lonely life, with no real family support.

The guys get off to a very rocky start, but there is a spark and as they get to know each other you can see the trust slowly building between them.

Though as with the other books in the series the boys are broken and damaged by their hard lives. The stories are not all doom and gloom, but rather about hope and finding themselves.

Colette has done an amazing job bringing Callum and Dylan together, they are so different and yet remarkably similar.

I have read all the Hell & Heaven books and I think this one is my favourite so far. I just love the concept of both characters being so broken, and together they start to put themselves back together and maybe build a future together.

As with all of Colette’s characters they soon attach themselves to your emotions and you can not help but care about them. The stories are always beautifully written and sub plots woven perfectly into the main plot. They always feel nicely paced and I always feel like I am in the middle of the story as though I am an extra character watching over the characters (I am not a stalker honest).

I have read most of Colette’s books and when I pick one of her books up to read, it feels like I am coming home, and putting on my comfy slippers.
513 reviews
March 21, 2022
Performance: 5 Stars
Story: 5 Stars

A good slow-burn hurt/comfort HEA story is my jam, and I loved this one. It's as much a story of Callum and Dylan building a trusting friendship as it is their journey toward romance, which makes their becoming a couple all the sweeter.

Club barman Callum is fresh out of juvie, trying to build a new life in a new town, and tentatively exploring his bisexuality while enduring strained family relations (including homophobic relatives). Club dancer Dylan, meanwhile, is careful to hide his insecurities and painful past behind the cheeky and cocky facade he's crafted for fear of rejection and abandonment.

Both young men carry a lot of emotional baggage and have never had unconditional love, support and acceptance. Only when they trust enough to let their guards down and open their hearts do both realize they're exactly what the other needs, and it's a beautiful rollercoaster of feelings.

Narrator Piers Ryman really shines in this performance, giving an array of distinct character voices and British accents, and really capturing the emotions, moods and personalities of the characters. This is easily my favorite narration of his to date.

This story totally works as a standalone, although knowing the secondary character backstories from having read Books 1 & 2 (which are both far more angsty) adds to the periphery. I received this free review copy audio book by request and have left this honest review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Mandy.
3,641 reviews35 followers
July 3, 2023
Straight ex-con Callum has a homophobic father and is in dire need of a fresh start when he lands a job as a barman in a gay nightclub. He is therefore shocked when one of the dancers playfully flirts with him and that opens cravings he never knew he had. Dylan hides his loneliness behind his tattoos, piercings and serial hookups. He is desperate for love as his childhood was full of being shunted around foster families. But then he falls for the club's sexually confused barman and he fears he is now dangerously vulnerable. With a new bisexual identity, Callum is sure sharing the news will tear down everything he's ever cared about. Can the troubled couple put others’ judgment in its proper place and embrace their true desires?

I loved this story which was all about love, hate and how it can be found in the most unexpected places. I loved Dylan and just wanted to hug him at times but he was so calm, accepting and patient with Callum that you could love him just for that. Calumn's family were incredibly homophobic and he was so brave to tell them about himself even if they threw hate back at them. I loved the way the author was able to describe the thoughts and emotions of the characters in a way that I could feel them myself. This was an MM story with plenty of mature content.
1,044 reviews10 followers
December 13, 2021
an audio review

Forgiven is Book 3 in the Heaven and Hell Club series. This is a beautifully written emotional hurt/comfort story about Dylan, a dancer at the club, and Callum, who's just trying to live his life away from his family's hate. While staying with his uncle, Callum gets a job tending bar at the club were Dylan dances. I love the strength in both these men as the come together and are really able to open up and be genuine with the other. Dylan finds a way to be honest with himself so he can be honest with others. I love how slowly we see Callum come out of his shell and more open. He's able to create a new family for himself, one that will love him just as he is. I definitely recommend this book and series. It's one to enjoy again and again.
Narrator Piers Ryman does another amazing job in this series. He's such a joy to listen to, the emotions that come from his narration.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews

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