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Big Bad Billionaires #6

Billionaire’s Sins

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On your knees...

Father Edward Chase.
Brooding. Growly. And... unavailable.

He's the hot priest.
I am a belly dancer.

He's haunted by his past.
I am trying to carve out a future for my studio.

He’s at war with himself, and I am the casualty.

There is nothing he will put before his calling.
No stone he will leave unturned for his flock.

He’ll never give in to the attraction between us,
So what if he stars in all my dreams?

He may be a man of God.
But for me, he is temptation personified.

Making him fall for me is all I ever wanted.
Until he reveals his secret...

A storm cloud of a man crashes into a girl whose innocence forces him to confront everything he's spent his life running away from. 1-Click NOW

This is book 1 in Edward, Ava, and Baron's story. Read in order
Billionaire Priest
Billionaire's Promise
Billionaire's Bride

Note: This series features a priest as one of the main characters, a love triangle, and tackles emotional themes.

200 pages, Kindle Edition

Published July 19, 2021

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About the author

L. Steele

34 books1,795 followers
L. Steele loves to write romance novels featuring powerful men and strong women who bring them to their knees. When she's not writing she enjoys trading trivia with her filmmaker husband, watching lots and lots of movies, and walking nature trails.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 116 reviews
Profile Image for Sophie Koufes.
1,965 reviews25 followers
June 29, 2021
Billionaire's Sins: A Priest Romance (Big Bad Billionaires #7) is the first book in this sensual and angsty romance trilogy.
I've been obsessed with stories that involve a priest since I was a little girl and watched The Thorn Birds. Let me tell you this is nothing like the Thorne Birds.
First off, Edward is my favourite of the Seven. This novel intensifies the pure raw passion, love and commitment of his character and the storyline.
This novel is descriptive, and explosive with the perplexity of the bombshell twist that heck no you will not see coming.
I'm still in awe of this book. Billionaire's Sin is on a level of its own. I love the style of writing of this talented author and this so far is my all time favourite book of hers so far. I'm off two read book two in this unforgettable series.
Profile Image for Elizabeth Connor.
1,293 reviews26 followers
June 29, 2021
I was fortunate to read and edit this book prior to publication. Edward, the priest, and Ava, the nineteen-year-old introduced in Arpad and Karina’s story, get all hot and heavy in this one. This book explores the nature of faith and Edward’s commitment to the Church. It raises the question of whether the Church was there for him when he needed it, but now that he has found someone who makes him question that commitment, maybe it’s time for him to reevaluate that promise. Perhaps God brought Ava to him, not as a test, but as a sign that it’s time for him to live life in the real world.

Interestingly, Ava has no religious background, but because of Edward, finds herself praying for guidance. In a way, their meeting brings her closer to God while it draws him away. I found it fascinating how the author was able to present religion in a way that neither extolled nor denigrated it. Rather, characters are equally accepting of Edward’s decision to become a priest as they are of him considering leaving his vocation. Edward has not been tempted by another woman since becoming a priest, until this young woman with no religious upbringing enters his life. He nicknames her Eve because he considered her a temptation.

This isn’t a simple love story, where the characters need to overcome their insecurities and trust in one another. Edward is faced with giving up everything he knows and everything he is, much like when he became a priest. Ava has the outsized guilt associated with causing him to question his faith. Don’t expect them to figure out the solution by the end of this book. It ends on a cliffhanger with the return of the ever-mysterious Baron. I loved it.
Profile Image for Donna Feibusch.
1,624 reviews20 followers
November 1, 2021
A Good Book!!

I liked reading Billionaires Sins: A Forbidden Hot Priest Romance(Big Bad Billionaires Book 6)!! All about Ava Erickson a nineteen year old Belly Dancer & Father Edward Chase a thirty-one year old priest. I met Edward in a swimming pool, at my friends house. He presided over their wedding yesterday, though he did not look like any priest I have ever met before! Read about Father Edward & Ava and the inferential antics they get into together!! There is many different emotions and adult themes running throughout this book! It leaves you wanting more and you must read the next book in the series if you want to know what happens!!! I hate that you need to keep reading the series to get the whole story!!
July 1, 2021
OMG! One of the best yet in this series! This series follows the 7 (Seven men brought together by an incident happening when they were young), and this is the start of a trilogy involving Father Edward. I love Edward's conflicted domineering character and Ava is a wonderful cross of innocence and sass! Serious heat and spice.....This book left me wanting more and I can't wait for the next one!!!
Profile Image for Reena.
956 reviews3 followers
July 6, 2021
Intensely intense with explosive chemistry between the main characters, this is a book you can't just put down. Once started, I had to get to the last page. The riddle of the homeless man is revealed (or is it?) and the cliffhanger left me bookhangover! I need the next book ASAP!!!
1,205 reviews4 followers
July 6, 2021
Cliffhanger 🧐

Ummm I couldn't make up my mind whether or not I was ok with Ava being part of Edward's fall from his vocation. They have a distinct chemistry. There is a surprise near the end, so now I have to read the last book of the series in hopes of Ava's and Edward's happy ever after. The first chapter of the last book makes you wonder and I dislike that almost as much as I'm not a fan of cliffhangers! Overall quality of writing was good. Enjoy 🤓
Profile Image for Shafeequah.
163 reviews1 follower
July 28, 2021
The Priest

Billionaire's Sin, the 6th book in the Bad Billionaire's series, is Edward's story. It's the 1st book in a trilogy, and we finally meet Baron, the last of the Seven. We also meet Ava, the belly dancer, who comes crashing into Edward's life. The instant connection between them takes your breath away but also makes it an emotional read. Laxmi draws you into Edward and Ava's story and if you want to know what happens further between the priest and belly dancer...well let's just say its becomes a scorching read..
Profile Image for Nicci Anne.
127 reviews5 followers
July 14, 2021
Edward is one of the seven and a preist. If you think this book won't be steamy you are very wrong. I felt like I needed a cold shower while reading the whole book, you will be on the edge of your seat reading this!!!! 5*
Profile Image for Bea McGhie.
255 reviews12 followers
July 13, 2021
Meet Edward, he is part of the 7 and a priest!
Like his friends, he has been kidnapped when he was younger and now it's time to tell his story!
He meets Ava, the old soul in a young woman's body and a belly dancer with her own studio, trying to find her feet.
Both are trying to fight their attraction to each other, but will they fail ?
Edward's story has been hugely anticipated. As this book is part of L. Steele's Big Bad Billionaire series, we have met him on numerous occasions and now the tables are turned. Edward is not the one to give out advice, he receives it and boy, do his friends love it!!!
The writing is superb, as always, we are slowly getting an insight into Edward and Ava's life and suffer every emotion with them. Well, that's what I did.
The story line is not as expected, that's what I love about these books, L. Steele has an amazing talent! She keeps us guessing and is a master of deception.
The chemistry between Edward and Ava is out of this world, forbidden, taboo and plenty of hot, steamy scenes, which leave you gasping for breath!
And what happened at the end, that's another story, literally. This book is indeed part 1 of a trilogy and if you read any of the other books you will want to read it immediately!!! A lot of questions are being answered, but more to be revealed further along!
155 reviews
July 24, 2023
💖Spoilerfrei: Bad Boy Milliardäre 6 – Edward und Ava – Explizite Szenen, absolute Unvorhersehbarkeit – Suchtgefahr!!!🥰🤗 💖

Gerade habe ich das Buch „A Temptation for the Priest“ beendet.

Ich gebe generell keine Zusammenfassung des Buches ab, weil ich der Meinung bin, dass diese auch durch den Klappentext beim Buch schon aussagefähig ist. Insofern schildere ich hier lediglich meine Eindrücke, da dadurch sichergestellt wird, dass definitiv nicht gespoilert wird 😊

Es ist das sechste Buch dieser Serie. Schon die ersten Bücher haben mich als tolle Neuentdeckung überrascht und begeistert und ich wollte unbedingt wissen, wie es mit den „Sieben“ weitergeht… Dass ich nach wie vor dabei bin sollte euch schon etwas sagen – oder??

Anscheinend ist es bei L. Steele so, dass der Name Programm ist. Schön, dass auch dieses Mal wieder der englische Titel genommen wurde.

Zum Schreibstil an und für sich lässt sich nichts Neues sagen: er ist und bleibt wieder einmal total mitreißend! Man kommt sofort in das Buch. Obwohl es dieses Mal – wie bereits erwähnt – mein sechstes Buch der Autorin war, wird es nie langweilig. Nach wie vor schaffte sie es, unvorhersehbare Situationen mit unerwarteten Wendungen zu kreieren. Deshalb ist es für mich immer noch eine Reise ins Ungewisse: man weiß nie, in welche Richtung es weitergeht. Und man liest weiter….und weiter…. Und irgendwann ist das Buch zu Ende. Aber auch wenn man es nicht aus der Hand legen kann: Es macht Spaß, die Sieben weiter zu begleiten!!!!

Dass L. Steele das Rad nicht neu erfinden kann ist klar. Allerdings ist der Plot in diesem Buch total einzigartig. Mir denkt kein anderes Buch, das diesen Inhalt hat. Ihre Geschichten sind absolut unvorhersehbar.
Und gerade die Charaktere, die in diesem Buch die Hauptrolle spielen sind wirklich besonders und einzigartig! Genauso wie das Setting! Puh, es ist echt heiß! Wieder einmal werden die Personen bildgewaltig gezeichnet. Vor dem inneren Auge entsteht sofort die Geschichte und auch die Beschreibung der Personen tut ihr Übriges!). Es war wieder einmal mitreißend – und selbstverständlich auch heiß… Was mir auch gut gefällt ist, dass man – obwohl man die Charaktere schon durch die anderen Romane kennt – diese doch ein weitaus komplexeres Gefühlsleben haben, als man ihnen zunächst zutrauen würde. Ich liebe es, diese Einsichten durch die jeweiligen Romane zu bekommen! Allerdings muss ich auch sagen, dass ich bei Edward ein etwas anderes Verhalten erwartet hätte, als er letztendlich an den Tag legte..

Wieder einmal ungewöhnlich! Aufschlussreich! Mitreißend. Dass die Helden hier wieder einmal dem Tortured Hero – Geschehen unterzogen sind, versteht sich von selbst, wenn man die Geschichte der Sieben von Beginn an begleitete. Insofern: alle Bestandteile eines Keepers – und definitiv extreme Suchtgefahr!

Wie bereits oben angemerkt, ist es kein x-beliebiges und tausendfach kopiertes Setting! Und das macht diese Reihe auch so außergewöhnlich!

Explizite Szenen:
Wenn man die Hintergrundgeschichte der Sieben kennt (welche sich definitiv besser erschließen, wenn man die Bücher der Reihe nach liest), sind die Handlungsweisen definitiv nachvollziehbar, eben weil man weiß, welche Hintergründe – und auch welch grausame Geschichten - im Verborgenen lauern.

Die expliziten Szenen selbst sind sicherlich nichts für die zartbesaiteten Leser, sondern sind schon eben das: explizit und deutlich, es geht wirklich „zur Sache“! Wer also eher auf die sanftere Art, „Blümchensex“ und „Vanilla“ steht, sollte ggf. die Finger von dieser Reihe lassen. Aber ich kann euch sagen: das wäre ein Verlust!

Wieder einmal stellt sich die Frage nach dem „Warum“, auch wenn die Frage des „Wer“ ein bisschen offengelegt wurde. Da es aber gottseidank noch Folgebände gibt, bin ich mir sicher, dass das noch aufgeklärt werden wird!

Aber darüber hinaus (s.o.) muss ich gestehen, dass ich es kaum erwarten kann, die weiteren Geschichten der Sieben weiterzuverfolgen! Bei einer derartigen Schreibweise versteht sich das von selbst, dass es nicht bei diesen – jetzt sechs - Büchern bleibt! Ich kann es nicht erwarten, mit dem nächsten Buch anzufangen und weiterlesen! Und die Autorin hat mit diesen Büchern über die Sieben wirklich eine tolle Serie erschaffen! Es ist wundervoll, daran teilhaben zu können ❤️😍

Es gibt keinen Abzug, so dass es bei 5-⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sternen bleibt! Ich fand, dass es ein – wieder einmal - mitreißendes, großartiges Buch ist!

Insofern eine klare, definitive Leseempfehlung! Holt euch dieses Buch! Ihr werdet es nicht bereuen!

Info zur Reihe in der richtigen Reihenfolge:
A Fake Wife for the CEO: Ein Enemies-to-Lovers-Liebesroman
A Marriage Deal for the Tycoon: Ein Enemies-to-Lovers-Liebesroman
A Christmas Bride for the Doctor: Eingeschneit zu Weihnachten - Liebesroman
A Nanny for the Rockstar: Ein Enemies-to-Lovers- und Single-Dad-Liebesroman
A Baby for the Playboy: Ein Enemies-to-Lovers- und Fake-Beziehungs-Liebesroman
A Temptation fort he Priest: A Forbidden Love - Liebesroman
Profile Image for Avery Hayes.
203 reviews15 followers
April 23, 2023
⭐⭐⭐.5 - Plot, Characters, Pacing
🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Spice quality/quantity, execution
🥵🥵🥵 - Chemistry, HEA potential

Ava has always believed she’s had shitty luck. Example A: the most beautiful man she’s ever seen is a priest. And Edward has no intention on breaking his vows, determined not to let this alluring temptation sway him from the cloth. But life works in mysterious ways, and no matter how much he tries to stay away, his carnal need for her can bring the strongest of men to their knees.

What’s black, white, and throbbing red? Answer: our latest priest MMC. “Billionaire’s Sins” is the sixth of the Big Bad Billionaires series, following the sixth and most devoted member as he tries to resist our leading lady, only to fall harder more and more with every encounter.

If you wanted to look up the definition of angst, Ava and Edward are your couple. Like Daddy Magnus and Tyler from other priest romances, Edward struggles with his faith and desires to the point of pushing and pulling with Ava, no matter how much she tells him she needs him. They click very well together as grumpy and sunshine, but with such a barrier between them, can their love truly survive?

The writing, especially at the beginning, was a bit hard to get through, but once our couple’s chemistry sinks it like a nice hot bath, then so does the reading experience. Not to mention that the plot and characters are very much in vein with the Twilight Saga, so if you ever wanted to imagine a version of Edward Cullen as a tortured priest, Ms. Steele has got you covered.

Sadly, our time with Edward and Ava is short, and with Edward’s dueling nature, we don’t get too much spice before it’s time to depart.

But never fear; there’s more to this story, and with that final page, Ms. Steele has you already gearing down with Part 2 of their love story…

Final Smut Archive assessment: He’s the only God you’ll be begging for.
Profile Image for Brenda.
370 reviews4 followers
July 6, 2021

Usually when I read one of the Billionaire books, I feel like I got the whole story. Some are longer than others. While I saw going in that this was part of a trilogy, I had no idea what to expect because of it. I knew to expect a cliffhanger, I just didn’t expect to feel cheated when it came.

I did not expect to read a whole 183 pages of what Michael considers his sins. Granted, Ava got a few chapters of storyline in this book, but, by and large, this was a book about Michael and his perceived crimes against God.

Michael never seemed to realize that he went into the priesthood to escape his life, and that it was inevitable that he would eventually have a triggering event to drag him back out. When his feelings for Ava weren’t sufficient, he was sent another gift from God to challenge him in a way that Ava never could. He might list after or even love Ava at the end of this book (it’s hard to tell, really) but the second challenge there was no way he could get past and still consider himself a good, or even decent, priest. He didn’t even consider himself good enough to stay with Ava. Always an excuse to not be with the woman who told him she loved him very early in the story.

Before leaving town as fast as his motorcycle can carry him, he makes the one call he never thought he’d have to make…a call to THE one of the seven to clean up after him yet again.

At some point in his life, Michael will have to learn to grow up and stand up for himself. I suspect it must be in the third book in this mini series because the second will likely be about a different billionaire altogether. Good luck to Ava. This guy has been craving her since she was a child.
1,214 reviews6 followers
January 14, 2024
"A Temptation for the Priest" ist der sechste Teil der "Bad Boy Milliardäre" Reihe. Doch anders wie die ersten fünf Teile, die unabhängig voneinander gelesen werden können, sollten die Bücher ab diesem Teil, also Teil 6 - 8, der Reihe nach gelesen werden, denn diese Bücher gehören zusammen. Trotzdem gibt es bei der ganzen Reihe auch auch eine Grundgeschichte, die noch nicht abgeschlossen ist. Für den perfekten Lesegenuss empfehle ich Euch die ganzen Bücher der Reihe nach zu lesen.

Seit ich den ersten Teil dieser Reihe bei einer Leserunde entdeckt habe, bin ich dieser Reihe und den 7 einfach nur verfallen. Alle 7 sind solche Alphalöcher, trotzdem kann man einfach nicht genug von ihnen bekommen und man wird einfach süchtig nach ihnen.

Jetzt endlich ist es soweit und wir lernen Edward, den Priester, ein wenig näher kennen. Ich hätte es nie gedacht... aber stille Wasser sind tief, obwohl... still war Edward ja eigentlich nie. Das er jetzt aber anfängt sich seinen Dämonen zu stellen ist schon gut. Aber es war bestimmt ein Fehler Baron anzurufen, obwohl ich auf ihn auch schon total neugierig bin. Wer also auf Alphamänner der besonderen Art steht, bei denen es auch besonders Dark zugeht, ist bei dieser Reihe auf jeden Fall richtig aufgehoben.

Der Schreibstil hat mir wieder sehr gut gefallen. Er ist flüssig, spannend und wieder so mitreißend. Dankeschön das ich es lesen durfte.

Als Edward Ava zum ersten Mal begegnet, stellt er alles in Frage was ihn ausmacht. Kann er noch der Priester sein, der er sein möchte, wenn er Ava einfach nicht fernbleiben kann?? Dann passiert etwas das ihn seinen Glauben verlieren lässt und er einfach alles in Frage stellt...
1,725 reviews12 followers
July 2, 2021
When he believed that he had achieved what he needed and had surpassed himself, Edward is faced with a temptation, a test for him or was it a sign? Punished by an internal struggle that makes him suffer desperately and prostrates him before what he considers his weakness, Edward staggers with doubts. Ava feels that she has found the one for her but that does not make her feel less guilty for what she knows she is doing to Edward's commitment to God. It has been mentioned that Edward and Baron have been the hardest hit by the incident and this first part of the trilogy shows us a hidden side of Edward, with an intensity and mystery that intrigues everyone. I love these stories that make me think about the paths that life offers us, the decisions that are made and the consequences. I see Edward on that threshold and with the cliffhanger I was even more intrigued and eager to know what will become of the protagonists with this new twist. The author did not disappoint me with the surprises I was expecting. Well written story that kept me in suspense with the strong emotions that it generated in me. I voluntarily reviewed this copy which I loved.

Profile Image for Fiona.
2,076 reviews24 followers
July 3, 2021
I absolutely loved reading this book. There is alpha action from start to finish. Like all the other stories in this series, the men are strong and commanding and the women are fighters and believe in their love for their men and will fight tooth and nail for them. So when Ava meets Edward at Sinclair’s home shortly after Arpad’s wedding she falls in lust with his body. They meet and when they touch each other by shaking hands, they are instantly drawn to each other and there is a electric current that runs through their bodies that leaves them both shaken. Can Edward keep his vows? Will Ava be his downfall? Things are not the same for Edward now, he is in constant battle with his feelings for Eva, then he learns something that will change his life forever and then he is on the run. But first he has to see Ava before he leaves town. Ava gives her virginity to Edward but he leaves her chasing after him, then she runs into Baron on the street. We are left hanging for the next part of Edward’s story.

I was given an advanced copy of this book to read and review with my honest and fair opinion.
Profile Image for Karen Nastasio.
2,391 reviews15 followers
July 8, 2021
Wow this book had me on the edge of my seat and never let go even at the end. Edward Chase is a priest and is one of the seven that was kidnapped and abused badly and in his darkest hours battling the drugs he so wants to die but Baron also one of the seven saves him and puts him in rehab and that’s where he believes god saved him and becomes a priest and his mission is to save others like him and it works just fine for 10yrs until he meets Ava the temptress that makes him want to give it all up for her but he fights against the pull she has over him and holds on to his vows. Ava meets the sexiest man she has ever seen at her friends wedding and then again at there townhouse and wants so badly to have him all to herself but soon finds out that he is a priest and her world shatterers knowing she can never have him but the connection and the sparks between them make it hard for either of them to walk away from each other. What happens next between these two does Edward give it all up to be with Ava or does he walk away completely or does he remain true to his vows.
Profile Image for Laura Henman.
186 reviews2 followers
April 26, 2022
Careful slight spoiler

A good story, really interesting to read the dilemmas facing Edward and his struggle with his faith and the infatuation he's got with Ava aka Eve!! My struggle with this book however is due to the confessional!! All these years they've been trying to find who was behind "The Incident" and Edward actually has someone with whom they could gleam answers from, yet he doesn't take the opportunity to contact "The Seven" and inform them!! Even if he didn't phone them and get them to meet him and this guy, he could maybe have questioned him further to see what information he has that may possibly help them. It's the closest any of them have come to; to try and get whatever from any body!! It just seems a shame!! And of course we all know that Baron was going to turn up, but right outside Ava's place, straight after Edward has left, ready to catch her when she fell!! Hmm something not quite right there....So into the next book.....Promise!! And yes if recommend this book 😊😊
2,348 reviews
August 26, 2023
Wonderful read, great addition to series I loved this read and thought this was a great addition
This is a simply wonderful read and I loved the characters and the scenario of each as they are always written brilliantly and the plot and the characters will hold your attention completely and I guarantee that once you begin reading you will not be able to put this book down till you reach the end.
Edward is a priest and he is a wonderful and respected by those that know him, this is a captivating read and it held me from the very start to the final page and I cannot wait to read future books in this wonderful series.
The attention between Edward and Ava is very absorbing and you will love the characters, I have loved every title by this wonderful writer and I guarantee that you swill enjoy this read as much as myself.

I assure you that you will love every moment of this book it is simply a fantastic read.
I voluntarily received and review an Advanced Reader Copy
I thoroughly enjoyed the book and look forward to reading any future publications; keep up all the great writing.
Profile Image for Debbie.
772 reviews3 followers
July 4, 2021
Okay Ms. Steele, what were you thinking? You can't leave a cliffhanger like that and expect my nails to survive. I'm already chewing away! Oh, this was one helluva book. Incredible just like the rest of the series. A couple of cringe worthy areas in the book. Not the act, but the location. That being said...Edward is torn between his faith and his connection to Ava. The chemistry is sizzling like pigs in a pan. But there is more than just chemistry, like a force that is drawing them together. An electric pull, if you will. It is messing with their thoughts, their dreams and keeping them from moving forward. Holy Moly this was one helluva book. I hope people will pick this up and read it. But not before reading the prior books in this series. If you don't start with book one you'll be lost. I mean, why take a taste of your of your favorite dessert when you can have a full serving? Remember if you want to read a book you can't put down, you have to pick it up first.
Profile Image for Babara-Anne.
1,335 reviews15 followers
July 4, 2021
I don't know how to put down the words.....

I am flabbergasted, stunned, speechless......

Laxmi Steele has outdone herself with this book! It is by far the best book and character to boot!
A slow burn between Ava and Edward that leads to the ultimate combustable climax literally and figuratively!

"Forgive me father for I have sinned."
"on your knees".....
"As you wish father"

Will Edward ever overcome his demons haunting him from the 'incident'?
Will he find the confidence in himself to overpower the darkness....

Will we ever learn what pushed him and Baron to isolate themselves from finding the happiness they deserve like the rest of the seven did?

The twist near the end not to mention the cliffhanger oh my soul I cannot wait for the next book!

Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book!
615 reviews8 followers
July 11, 2021
One of the best in the series so far. If you think Saint or Arpad were dark and twisty then you are going to love Edward. He is a whole other level of turmoil, conflict and repression.

The attraction between Ava and Edward is instant and forbidden. Edward is committed to his faith and sees Ava as his temptation, his Eve. Ava is a free spirit who is torn between going for what she wants (Edward) and the consequences of him breaking his vows.

When Edward gives in to his desires there is a whole lot of pent up frustration there. He is dark, domineering and of course a giant Seven alphahole.

This is another great installment in this series and it feels like we are getting closer to the truth of the kidnapping and maybe even finding out what happened between Baron and Edward to cause so much lingering emotion. ❤️❤️❤️❤️.
Profile Image for Ridwaana.
385 reviews
July 5, 2021
What a ride! At last Edward is getting his own story! He turned to God and the church after the incident and has done his best to move forward. His devotion to God and his flock is unrivaled until he meets Ava. She’s temptation personified without even trying. He questions everything and pushes her away to stay on the path chosen for him when he was at his lowest. But they’re like magnets and it isn’t long before his world is turned upside down. Full of angst, devotion, unwavering faith, and all the tumult of blossoming love. Well written and fast paced. Edward is the voice of reason and perhaps the most damaged and most complex. I’m very much looking forward to seeing the rest of his story unfold.
432 reviews
July 6, 2021
This is the story of Edward and Ava. Edward is a priest and Ava is a belly dancer. Once she met him she was completely in love with him, but he was a priest and have a commitment with God. Here you will see and explore the nature of humanity. He has to evaluate his true commitment. The plot of this story is intense because the main character has to make a hard decision in his life and decides if we wants to continue in the Church knowing he has feelings and desires to a woman or with respect accept to serve the Church as a man not a priest.
I read all the books of the series and I wasn't able to stop reading this one. Simply amazing!
Profile Image for Whispered Secrets.
544 reviews23 followers
July 11, 2021
The Billionaires Sin is the first book in Edwards story from the the Big Bad Billionaire Series (book 7). Oh man I do think it’s my favorite so far. I’m in love with Edwards story…not to mention Edward with his huge…heart and his muscles and his…well everything actually. Who could blame Ava For falling for him…that gruff, dominant voice…hmm…I’m in heaven just thinking about it. Okay okay enough about that or I might have to take a short remission lol. Anyway L. Steele has don’t it yet again and has made me drool and squirm with anticipation and well so much more. You get the picture. It’s so good. Don’t miss out kiddos. I received a free advanced copy to read and review.
Profile Image for Carolyn Spence.
1,543 reviews9 followers
July 4, 2021
Totally angsty read. Oh such a dilemma. A priest and a young woman who tempts him like no other. "A gift from the heavens." For such a young woman, she has bite, she does not let Edward get away with making excuses, time and time again, they come together, only to be torn apart. Totally trying to figure out what is going to happen next, I can't turn the pages fast enough. Totally loving this first part of this trilogy. That ever present homeless guy is there again to keep you mystified.

I voluntarily reviewed this book.
230 reviews
July 8, 2021
You should also read Billionaires Temptation the prequel to this trilogy.
Edward was one of the seven boys kidnapped at the age of twelve and at nineteen he entered the seminary and became a priest, so when he meets Ava he's thrown into a personal conflict between his religious vows and his feelings towards Ava.
Ava is also torn between how much she wants Edward but doesn't want to get in the way of his loyalty to the church.
We are left on a cliff hanger with a hot explosion of passion and the appearance of Baron.
666 reviews
July 4, 2021
Compelling Romantic Suspense!

Wow! I could not put this one down. The suspense is building! The angst that Edward has to deal with is terrible. And Ava is trapped by the chemistry between them. This does end with a cliffhanger. But that just makes it more delicious. Laxmi Steele has built a world that is heart warming and believable. You can’t help to gasp, moan and cry with these characters. And the sexual tension will melt your Kindle. I can hardly wait for the next book
3,213 reviews7 followers
July 6, 2021
Edward and Ava story is the main characters in this book. It brings Edward having some issues with his being a priest and having temptation. While they are both looking to find themselves.
You know you have to read this book and it’s more fun reading the whole series because you get to meet all the seven and their women since they are always popping in! Ends on a cliffhanger. Can’t wait to get the next book! Just love this series!
Profile Image for Brenda Coates.
250 reviews3 followers
July 9, 2021
Whoa, talk about angst. Edward is a stone fox . But his soul is tortured.  Because of a belly dancer Ava. Ava is a determined young woman.  And she wants Father Edward. But he shouldn't. The chemistry between them is off the chain.  But because of his devotion to his calling they can't.  Okay so now you can one click and find the answer to their troubles.  Oh, and hello Baron. I volunteered to read and review an advance reader copy. 

Profile Image for Erin Mason.
522 reviews9 followers
July 30, 2021
A dark gritty read we start to see more of what happened to Edward and Baron during that ill fated kidnapping years ago. More about how they were chosen and how they were taken is revealed in this story. Ava, sweet and innocent, cracks the facade of Edward and brings him crashing to his knees. I am curious to know what really happened all those years ago and to finally meet the elusive Baron. This book does end on a cliffhanger so be forewarned, you’re going to want to have the next book handy!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 116 reviews

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